New York

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We boarded the plane and I was seated between Normani and Ally. I felt the plane start to move and I began to panic.

"Baby it's okay. The plane is just taking off. Soon it'll be all over and we can be in New York," Ally said.

I was still scared, but Ally calmed me down. I clutched both their hands tightly and squeezed my eyes shut as the plane accelerated and left the ground. Once we were in the air, Ally said, "It's okay now. You can open your eyes."

I opened them and looked around. I saw Camila looking back with worry in her eyes, but I gave her the thumbs up. I grabbed my backpack from under the seat and took out Toby.

"Oh my gosh! I have a stuffed animal too!" Ally said as she pulled out her stuffed Moose. "His name is..." -"Moose Moose," I finished laughing. "I've seen all the interviews," I said with a smile.

Ally laughed and said, "Well you have to be one of the most dedicated harmonizers I've come across!"

"Well I take that job seriously," I replied with a grin. All of a sudden I felt a huge yawn over take me.

"Aw are you tired?" Ally asked, rubbing my back.

"Mhm," I responded while rubbing my eyes. I felt Ally lean me towards her and put me on her lap. I closed my eyes as I felt Ally kiss my forehead. For the first time in my life I felt safe. I felt loved. I never wanted this moment to end, but I sank into the comfort sleep while Ally played with my hair.

==Ally's POV==

I looked down at the small child in my lap and smiled. She had been through much. I don't understand how people can abuse a child. It disgusts me. I continued to play with her hair and heard Mani say, "You would be a great mom, Ally."

I smiled sadly remembering I couldn't ever have kids. Then a thought appeared in my mind:

'I could adopt Sadie'

I smiled at the thought and decided to think more about it later. It would be a big responsibility but I would have four other girls to back me up. 'I'm going to decide over the months we are on tour and that's final.'


After six grueling hours of sitting in a cramped airplane with a small child asleep on your legs so long I can't feel them, the pilot finally announced landing in ten minutes and to put seatbelts on. I gently shook Sadie and I heard her groan, "Please five more minutes." I smiled to myself. Her and Dinah are definitely going to get along.

"C'mon honey you gotta get up, the plane is landing now," I told her. She shot up and grabbed her bear and started stroking his ear that had no fur on it.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Oh I do this to make me feel better. I've done it since I was two," she said quietly.

Mani grabbed her hand and squeezed it and Sadie looked and smiled at her. That's when I realized that it was probably one of the first times that someone has ever held her hand. The plane started to descend and it finally landed. We gathered our stuff and when the seatbelt light turned off, we all stood up to stretch. We all got out of the plane and I looked back to see Lauren and Sadie laughing at a joke Dinah had said. We descended the escalators and retrieved our suitcases from the baggage claim. After getting our stuff, we saw our security guard holding a sign "Fifth Harmony" and we went with him to the van.

==Sadie's POV==

It took FOREVER for the plane to land! But, I was sleeping most of the time. If I had a mommy, Ally would be how I picture her. But she'll never adopt me. No one wants me. They always choose the babies. We got off the plane and DJ made a small joke about the random guy she had assigned next to her airplane seat. It was hilarious and I let my real laugh slip. Oops... My laugh sounds like a monkey being tickled.

"Aww!" Lauren cooed, pinching my cheeks as I scrunched my nose, "Your laugh is adorable! Well we," Lauren motioned to Dinah and Camila, "were trying to find a good nickname for you. So how about 'monkey'?" she asked with a grin.

"OMG that is so cute!" Dinah said as she clapped her hands.

"Yeah that's fine," I said laughing,"I've never had a nickname before."

"Well ya do now!" Camila explained bumping me on my shoulder. I giggled at her goofiness. We found our escort and hopped into the van where we took a fifteen minute drive to our hotel. We were all so tired. Thank you Jesus that we had tomorrow off to relax and meet Demi, Cher, and the girls of Little Mix. We entered our hotel, with no fans there. The girls' manager handed us card keys and told us who we were rooming with. I was with Camila, Ally, and Dinah. Lauren and Mani were together with each other. Their manager seemed super impatient and rushed us to our rooms, said goodnight, and left. I closed the door and completely crashed on the first bed I saw. I closed my eyes, but opened them to find Camila settling under the covers.

"You don't mind if we share do you?" She whispered to me.

"No not at all," I whispered back.

I felt Camila fall asleep almost instantly and turned to feel her moving closer to me. She cuddled up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist and put her head in the crook of my neck. I closed my eyes and sank into some well deserved sleep.

(A/N So um what do you guys think so far. Not much action yet, but there will be. I'm building up connections between the girls and Sadie at the moment. So yeah, comment what you think and please vote. i love you to all who have read so far! thank you!)

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