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==Sadie's POV==

Beep... Beep... Beep

I woke to the sound of a machine. Immediately I was washed over with dizziness, and my side hurt like a mother. I slowly opened my eyes and a bright light shone in my face.

"Ah! Can someone turn down the brightness?" I complain, shielding my face against the glare.

"She's awake!" I hear Ally exclaim, coming over to my side, holding my hand.

"Please step back, ma'am. I need to do an assessment," the doctor said. I feel Ally move away reluctantly.

"Can someone please turn off the light?" I say, annoyed. I feel the light turn off and I take my hand away from my face. I look down and see I'm in a hospital gown.

There is a tube in my tummy and I have stitches in my side. Ally and the doctor are the only two in the room.

"W-what happened?" I stutter.

"Well, missy, you had to get your appendix removed. It ruptured and infected your stomach, which made you throw up. You passed out from sudden intense pain, and dehydration," the doctor said.

"Your moms have been worried sick," he said, chuckling. "All we need to do is preform a few simple tests. First of all, can you get into the sitting position?"

I struggle and pull myself upward. I saw Ally fighting to not help me. I gave her an encouraging smile.

"Okay, we have to remove the tube and sew you up now. We'll have you eat something and make sure your stomach is working properly," the doctor states.

He pushes a button and two nurses come in with a bunch of pointy objects. I mentally curse. I hate needles. The nurse pulls out a huge shot.

"This will numb you, you'll only feel a tiny pinch," she says with a fake smile.

"Crap!" I say when she administers the shot. That was not a tiny pinch. Almost immediately, I feel the effects. The nurse takes out the tube and sews me up.

"Here you go," the other nurses says, handing me a granola bar. She puts a stethoscope to my stomach and says, "If something is wrong, it makes a different noise, if its okay, it makes a growling noise."

I chew and swallow, and the nurse smiles and gives the doctor the a-okay.

"You are free to go. We already gave your mother some pain pills and antibiotics to fight infection, and the stitches dissolve in two weeks, so there is no need to come back. As hospital policy, we must discharge you in a wheelchair," the doctor said.

He must have seen my face drop. I'm not very fond of wheelchairs. "Oh it's only to the car, then you're good," he clarifies.

"How long have I been in the hospital?" I ask.

"You've been here almost the whole day. The surgery had some complications, so it took longer, and you woke up three hours later," the doctor responds.

"I'm sorry mommy. I messed up our day together," I say whimpering.

"Oh stop it. This is an exception. We can't have a mommy daughter day if you aren't feeling good, I'm just glad you're okay," Ally says, kissing my head.

The two nurses bring a wheelchair in, and I carefully get up, so I don't stretch my stitched skin. I sit in the wheelchair, and I get wheeled out.

We get to the lobby and I am met by four anxious faces, which quickly brighten when they see me.

"Oh my gosh! I am so glad you're okay!" Camila says, kissing my head.

"Those doctors only let one person in, so we had to wait here the entire time," Mani says. She kisses my cheek and squeezes my arm.

"May I have the honor of wheeling you to the car?" Dinah jokes, kissing my hand, and bringing me into a hug.

"You may, my slave," I say, and she gasps, putting her hand on her chest.

I laugh, and Lolo hugs me and kisses me. "I'm so glad you're better, my monkey," she whispers to me.

"Me too," I say, chuckling.

Camila holds one hand and Ally the other with Dinah wheeling me to the car. A nurse takes back the wheelchair and I climb in carefully. I sit in between Dinah and Mani.

"Can I have something to drink?" I ask.

"Of course," Lauren says, turning back and handing me a water. My tummy is a little sore, but it feels good having something go down my throat instead of a tube.

"Did we go to the next city?" I ask.

"No we are still here in Miami. We gotta hustle to catch up," Lauren says.

"Sorry," I say.

"Hey that is not your fault. You couldn't help it. We couldn't care less if we missed our show. We just want you to be safe and healthy," Mani says, squeezing my hand.

We get back onto the tour bus and I climb into my bunk. I lay on my side so I don't pull my stitches. Ally opens my curtain and hands me two pills and a glass of water.

"You should take these. It will get you better faster," Ally says, leaning against the wall as I swallow my pills.

"I'll do anything so we can have our day together," I say.

Ally smiles and kisses my head. "Me too, baby," she whispers. She closes my curtain and I stare at the ceiling for a while. I see Camila slowly open the curtains and peek in on me.

"Hey Mila," I say.

"Hey ladybug. I was checking if you were awake. Do you want to watch a movie with me? All the other girls are being buttmunches and won't watch anything with me," Camila says, pretending to cry.

"Sure Camzi, come on in," I say, carefully scooting over so she can enter my bunk.

"What's the movie?" I ask as she puts it in the player.

"It's Lilo and Stitch," Camila says smiling. I cuddle into her side as the movie begins to play. Through the half of the movie, I feel myself drift off into sleep.

I feel safe. I feel loved. I feel happy. I sink into the welcoming arms of drowsiness.

"A/N Sooo yeah hehe Sadie is happy and appendixless now. Bet you didn't see that coming XD What do you guys want to see happen? Comment what you think and don't forget to vote! Love you ladybugs! Till next update :D )

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