something new something a bit blue

31 1 7

As I entered the everlasting morning of the day, my body felt nothing but unready for the journey of which laid ahead. I turned my body towards my phone of which blared, I but the snooze button whilst contemplating whether or not to call into college sick whilst saying, five minutes never hurt anyone.

Those five minutes soon turned into an unexpected hour which leads to me not calling in sick, but I rushed around trying to be ready and getting to college within the span of twenty minutes. Obviously, I didn't make it in enough time. So I acted my way out of a late slip with an excellent limp and eyes googling at me, calling my limp bull crap.

'How cute', I thought. Oh well, I got to my mythology class with no complications after that and sat down in the lecture hall with my professor named Mr T. Odinson educating the class on such things I learned last night during my time alone. The one thing of which I enjoyed learning the most was mythology especially Asgardian Gods but let's not get into that.

Halfway through the lecture, my eyelids heavy I fell asleep. My mind went to nothing but a blank almost securing darkness, though the only thing of which seemed to be different was some sort of bitter coldness of which flowed across my mind.

Within my mind's eye was nothing but a cold deserted place of somewhere I was unsure on. As I looked around the place, I didn't seem to notice or even recognise the place of which surrounded me. The cold place sent nothing but a shiver down my spine, though for some reason it didn't bother me as much as it should've.

Confusion spread across me as I called out, "Hello?" Waiting for a response of which I wouldn't receive, great any reply.

Walking more and more into the bitter coldness of the place I continued to call out a simple, "Hello!" In hopes that someone would reply.

One thing of which caught my attention which leads to my walk stopping. A pair of red glowing eyes were glaring towards me, a blue coloured hand wrapped around my neck which sent a burning chill throughout my body. I felt my voicebox freeze under the bitter coldness of the touch.

The blue hand did nothing but send a chill down my spine as the piercing red eyes done nothing but stare as if it was looking for something. The patterned blue skin and red eyes were two of the things of which caught my attention - well apart from the coldness of which radiated from the being which was highly noticeable.

Although the chill was noticeable yet it felt like nothing was hitting against my skin. When I looked down again I could see my chest was blistering and going a deep merciless purple. However, that wasn't what was disturbing, my fingers were found to a somewhat frosted blue shade. My hands were covered in a thin sheet of sleet.

I looked up and saw what was holding me. Its face was blue and patterned like Aztec engravings. There was something of which was familiar with the thing of which held onto me, yet I couldn't place my finger on it.

The threatening red eyes had sent nothing but a glare while the blue skin was sending nothing but a chill down my spine. My breath hitched within my throat as a small puff of breath left my lips. Intimidation was all that filled within me. As I stared at the being in front of me, my brain wondered as to what it could possibly be.

I knew that I had read as many Norse mythology books of which I could get my hands on, I had always felt as if I knew everything of which was out there. Yet here I stood not really knowing what or who this being was. Though the only thing about which I knew was that these beings were intimidating.

"Miss Stone!" A similar voice seemed to call out though to me it appeared as if the being spoken by the being in front of me.

"MISS STONE!" The sound of Mr Odinson' voice filled my ears which jolted my body up from where it laid.

"Sorry, sir!" I responded in a tired tone. Rubbing my eyes in a way of which to get rid of the tiredness of which laid within my eyes.

The blonde professor seemed to roll his eyes at the girls seemed laziness towards his lecture. He continued giving his lecture on mythology while my eyes seemed to wander towards the windows of the classroom.

As my gaze went out the window, I noticed a man standing outside as he seemed to stare into the room. His hair was slightly longer as the blackness of the hair seemed to stand out the most. His defined jawline gave his facial structure and a strong look, his eyes seemed chaotic yet held something within them. A small smile was all that appeared on his face as he noticed the look of which I was giving him.

I felt as though his smirk was mischievous with a hint of something that I couldn't quite place my finger on. As I continued to stare at him I saw his face colour change and his eyes go a searing red. My eyes widened with fear as well as confused curiosity. I felt as if I was still dreaming, that was until.

"Miss Stone," Mr Odinson called me, "When you're quite finished with staring out of my window and paying no attention to me I'd like to see you after class for you to get a detention." He sounded stern and on edge which rarely happens so I knew I was in a lot of trouble yet I groaned and glared at by the teacher. After my dream I really was in a mood, and it wasn't one where I could deal with my teacher today.

Authors note: please read.
Hello everyone this is a collaboration between me and my best friend hugswiththehood this story it ofc a loki fanfic. If you don't like it then why are you here? Now this is my first collab but I hope you like what we write and constructive criticism is advised there are twists and turns and we deeply apologise if there are any bloody tears lol. Anyway we hope you enjoy this story, vote and comment to show us that you like it and we will continue writing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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