Chapter Three

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Percy PoV: (Finally! I know, right?)

Obelix was obediantly listening to us and was just walking through the woods towards camp and I just fell asleep, leaning against his warm bronze head. I was so tired from staying up and working on Obelix that I didn't notice how tired I was until I actually finished him with Tony. It took its toll, trust me. I was out like a light until I was lightly shaken awake by Tony. "Hey, I can see the archery range through the trees. Get up." He says. I sit up groggily and groan fromthe brightness. Obelix whirrs a 'Have a nice nap?' and looks at me with a red/orange eye. I nod and just stretch. We walk through the trees and watch as everyone stops what they were doing to stare. The Hephaestus cabin swarmed Obelix and he started freaking out. "Hey! Back away! You're giving me a migraine and you're scaring Obelix. He has feelings too you know." I say, yawning. They just look at me, too shocked to say anything. "The Poseidon kid helped build that? He probably just handed tools to the new Hephaestus camper, Tony Stark." Some kid from the Ares cabin said, one of Clarisse's goons. "Actually, Percy built most of it. He practically understands the machines, like he is one himself. Every machine he has made or has put a few touches too, came out sentinental, like he gave it a mind of its own. He is probably legacy of Hephaestus." Tony says before I could snap back. Everyone just resumed looking shocked at Obelix. "Trust me, if it wasn't for Percy, Obelix here wouldn't be finished in two days. He would have taken weeks, a month even. He alone could have done it in around 4 days himself. He's much smarter than me, and probably much smarter than any Athena kid in mechanics and in academics." Tony says firmly. Annabeth gets a little offended. "We are the smartest kids in camp and he's in the same grade as I am! 7th!" She says defiantly. I rub the back of my neck nervously and reply. "Actually Annabeth, I'm already finished with school. Grover was my neighbor and Chiron moved in with him after he told Chiron about me. I finished school when I was 9, college and all." Annabeth looked like a fish, mouth hanging open and eyes wide. "Well, I am tired so I am just going to go back to sleep." I say and lay against Obelix. "The humans don't know what they are talking about. You have a very high potential in practically everything. You gave me life when nobody else could without meaning too." Obelix said while walking into the forest. "I don't know what you mean. I just said some words in greek and you woke up or something." I say. "You used magic, Percy. You have magic inside of you and I have a feeling with practice, you could become a great magic user.(I don't want to use sorcerer, wizard, or magician because they just don't sound right. It either sounds like the Kane Choronicles or Harry Potter.) You can probably practice on plants, see if you can channel your magic to the to make them grow or to revive dead plants or branches on trees. Im sure dryads would approve." Obelix says. "Sounds like a good idea, just, not right now. Im too tired to do that." I say, and presumably pass out on him. I feel Tony pull me against him softly and wrap his arms around me. Next time I wake up, we were in the bunker and I was still on Obelix, except Tont was running around messing with stuff, occasionally lighting on fire. He was building something, though what it was I couldn't make out. I groan sleepily and slide off Obelix. I landed without a sound and snuck up behind Tony. He was being so noisy it wasn't very hard. Right as I touched his shoulder, he burst into flame. Somehow, 1, I wasn't burned, 2, the flame traveled up my arm and to my hair. My eyes widened as I tried to disperse the flame. I yelled the greek word for water for some odd reason and water burst from my fingertips, putting the fire out. My eyes were wide and I was breathing heavily from shock and from just being freaked out. Tony, not having ay d ea what just happened turned around and saw me freaking out, shaking and somewhat drenched. "Percy! What happened to you?" Tony said, rushing over to me. I scoot away, not wanting to catch fire again, even accidentally. He sees my reaction and backs up sadly. "What's wrong?" He asks, calmly. "F-Fire. I was, I was on fire." I stutter out. "How? I don't see any scorch marks." He says. "Didn't hurt. It just moved to my head and I magically drenched it with magic water." I say, a bit less freaked out now. I stand up and walk over to Obelix, who lifted his head when he heard me walking over. "How do you think I could have not been burnt by the fire and have conjured water from thin air?" I ask him. "Your magic. You need to learn how to control it. Come, let's try outside in the forest." Obelix leads the two of us outside and to a dryad. "Hello, do you know a place where there may be a dead or dying organism?" I ask. She hands me a pot with a wilting plant. "Thank you." I say, and climb onto Obelix with Tony. We head back to the bunker and I set the plant on the floor. Obelix curls in a circle around meand Tony. I try and concentrate on life, happiness, and a bunch of positive things and use it to try and heal the plant. I think of how I used Greek words to bring Obelix to life and to make water appear. I say the Greek word for healing while touching a leaf and concentrating on good things. I feel a flow of warm energy travel through my body and through my finger into the plant. Soon, I could feel the life in it. I open my eyes and see a thriving, beautiful flower. It was a perfect mixture of reds, blues, and greens. I climb back onto Obelix carefully with the plant in my arms. We head back out to the dryad and show her the plant. She gasps and hurriedly grabs it carefully, as not to snatch it from me. "Thank you, sir. How did you do it?" The dryad asks. I feel with my energy to see if anything right next to me was dying. A tree, the one that the dryad came from was dying from a disease. "Miss, do you have a disease that is killing your tree?" I ask. "How did you know? No one knows about that because its on the inside." She says. She starts coughing. I quickly place a hand on her and focus on her energy. It was slowly lowering and was almost empty. She was almost dead. I take some of my energy and gave it to her. I also focused on life and muttered the greek word for healing. I feel her energy thriving once again and she didn't have a disease anymore. It took a large toll on me and I stumble after I let go of her. Obelix steadies me with his tail and I focus onto the dryad. "You, you took it away. I'm alive!" She exclaims happily. She hugs me and runs off, probably to celebrate with other dryads. After that, my knees buckle and I hit the ground, tired. Tony helps me back up and onto Obelix with a grunt. "Your not the lightest, kid. Come on, you have a quest I'm pretty sure, don't you? You need to prepare for it and the Capture the Flag on Friday." Tony say to me. I head back and everything returns to as normal as it could be with a metal dragon yelling at you everyday and the plain fact that I was a demigod.

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