Hard to Get At

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You are a loner in school. Basically the Jughead Jones in female form. You have no friends. No one picks on you. No one acknowledges you are there. And preferably that's the way you like it. Some like to say,your hard to get at...
Hair Makeup and Outfit

_______________________Hair Makeup and Outfit

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The transfer between Southside High has already happened

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The transfer between Southside High has already happened.
It was a normal day. You put your AirPods in and walked out of the house and started to walk to school. When you got there you start to walk straight to your locker and see one of the Serpents and Reggie Mantle and a few other Bulldogs and Serpents snickering about something. You ignore it and walk to your locker. Grabbing your books and then closing your locker and then with a surprise,you see one of the Serpents standing right in front of you. You are takin back a little. You then roll your eyes trying to walk past him. He smirked and then started walking next to you and talking to you. You couldn't hear anything he said considering you and earbuds in. He pulled one out. "Give it back" you demanded. He examined it, "You know I'll keep it until you agree to go on a date with me". He got awful close to you. You punched him in his stomach and then grabbed your earbud. He groaned in pain. You bent down and whispered in his ear "Do me a favor and never talk to me again." You then gave him a slight smile and patted his shoulder.
You sat in the back of the cafeteria with your AirPods in reading The Four Agreements. When HE,came back up to you. You rolled your eyes as you saw him approach. "What do you want" you said annoyed as you took out your earbuds and set your book down. He shrugged his shoulders. "I just want to know why a pretty girl like you is sitting all alone back here" You rolled your eyes even more annoyed. "Could you please just leave me alone". "Oh you're a feisty one princess" he came closer to you pushing your hair back and whispering in your ear. You had to admit,you did like the way he touched you. His warm hands and his voice sent shivers down your spine. As much as you didn't want to you pushed him back away from you. Which didn't do much but he did back off. "What's the matter princess" he was looking you up and down having a grin spread across his face. "Go,get away from me". "Fine whatever you say." He winked at you and then got up and walked away. You let out the breath you didn't know you were holding and then quickly packed up your things and walked out of the cafeteria. Sweet Pea watching you. You went and put your textbooks back in your locker and put your AirPods back in your ears and then quickly shut your locker. "You know I never got your name" a loud voice said and startled you. "It's Y/N. I'd appreciate if you'd stop doing that." You said as you walked past him heading for the doors. You don't really feel like finishing school today. "It's kinda fun" he said shrugging his shoulders. "So do I get that date?" "Sure" you said. "Ok I'll pick you up at-" you cut him of "Yea no that's not happening,there's this thing called sarcasm." You started to walk away. "Fine princess have it your way." He called after you. You grinned a bit as you walked out of the doors. You walked all the way to Pop's and ordered your favorite milkshake while reading your book. It was about 4:40 when you saw Sweet Pea walk in. You groaned to yourself as you sunk down into the booth hoping he wouldn't see you,but of course,he did. He grinned as he saw you and sat right across from you. You set your book down and took your earbuds out once again. "Hi" he said innocently. "What the hell do you want." You said bitterly. "Just stopping by to get some food and you just happen to be here. But I guess since we're both here we could call this a date." You finally had enough,"You know what fine. If that's what it takes for you to leave me alone then call this a date." Sweet Pea ordered something for you and him even though you weren't that hungry and he insisted. You actually enjoyed yourself and even laughed a bit. You hadn't laughed,you realized,in about a year,so it felt really nice. After you guys finished,paid and walked outside. "That wasn't all that bad" you say honestly. "I'll take that as a compliment." You laughed a bit. "Thanks Sweet Pea." You gave a slight smile. "Anytime princess" he winked at you. "I could give you ride if you want?" Your eyes widened a bit. "On that death trap?" You point at his motorcycle. "It's not that bad" he laughed a bit. "Fine but if I die I'm going to haunt you for the rest of your life." He nodded his head. "Deal." He handed you a helmet and you put it on adjusting the strap. He drove you home and after about 10 minutes you guys got to your house. You hopped off the back and handed him the helmet. You looked back up at him. "Can we do this again sometime?" He drew you closer to him by your shirt. You put your lips centimeters away from his. "I'll think about it" you said softly and pulled away. You got about halfway towards the door when he was about to get back on his motorcycle. You went back up to him. He looked down at you and smiled. You gave him your number and a quick peck on the cheek. He blushed a bit and went back up towards your door. And right before you closed it you winked at him. He blushed and got on his motorcycle and smiled then sped away...

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