Not Gonna Happen

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You're a Serpent. You and Sweet Pea have been on and off for the past year. Currently he has left you for another girl.
Hair Makeup and Outfit

__________________________Hair Makeup and Outfit

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__________________________You walked into the doors of Southside High to see Sweet Pea with his arms wrapped around a girl that you absolutely despise and to make it worse,Sweet Pea knew you didn't like her

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You walked into the doors of Southside High to see Sweet Pea with his arms wrapped around a girl that you absolutely despise and to make it worse,Sweet Pea knew you didn't like her. They were hanging around the lockers when Toni came up to you and Sweet Pea stared at the two of you "Hey girlie" she said as you two walked to your first class. You gave her a small smile "Hi". She looked over at them "Look at those two,who do they think they are" she started to walk towards them "Toni no" you grabbed onto her but she quickly pulled away "Hey Sweet Pea" she walked up to him looking up "You think it's ok to just break up with y/n and then go out with the next bitch especially one that she hates?! You are so lucky I don't shove my foot up your-" You covered her mouth and then pulled her away Sweet Pea trying to show no embarrassment. Toni and you walked down the hallway and you couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Thank you Toni" you said smiling at her. "It's no problem,even if Sweet Pea is one of my best friends doesn't give him a right to do that to you." You looked at her and hugged her "Thanks T". She smiled at you as you two walked into class and sat down "What are friends for?." She said grinning at you.
"Y/n,can I ask you something?" Toni said as the two of you sat down. "Sure what is it" you said looking at her. "Do you still think about Sweet Pea?" You shrugged your shoulder "I guess I do sometimes,I mean I'll just be thinking and not on purpose but my brain will wander to Sweet Pea. If that makes sense?" Toni nodded her head and ate her food. "Why do you ask?" You said and took a sip of your water. "I talked to Sweet Pea..." You looked at her "Why?" You said almost scared to ask. "Because y/n he said he wants you back he said he'll stop pushing you away,that he'll change,and I believe him this time y/n,I really do,I really believe him this time." You rolled your eyes at that. "Yea,I'll believe it when I see it." Toni sighed and looked down as Sweet Pea walked over to you two. You looked away as he came over. "Y/n,can we talk" he said trying to look at you. You looked at him "I'm already highly annoyed by your current presence,so please,walk away." Toni whispered to you "Just talk to him y/n" You looked at her and rolled your eyes again "Fine" you said getting up. You and Sweet Pea went in the hallway and you crossed your arms as you leaned against a locker. "What do you want Sweet Pea,and make it quick." He let out a sigh "I wanted to tell you I'm sorry y/n,I know that you don't like Neveah,I was ju-" You cut him off. "In fact I despise her and the fact that you knew that,actually hurt me a little,you know what she did to me,to my family and the fact that she had no remorse..." You sighed. "I know y/n I'm sorry. I just want you back that's all I want." You scoffed. "I bet you do" you said your arms still crossed as you walked away. He stepped in front  of you. "Y/n please,I'm sorry I'll change I won't do anything ever again to hurt you,just give me one last chance." You shrugged your shoulders. "Think I've heard that one before" you said trying to step past him again but he stopped you again. "Y/n just give me one last chance please I promise you you will not regret it." You shook your head no and tried to step past him again,but once agin he stopped you. "Sweet Pea can I please just go back to-." He kissed you and you kissed him back not really on purpose but more on impulse. Your lips were a centimeter apart from his when he pulled away. "Not,gonna,happen." You walked away back into the cafeteria leaving him to watch you. The girl of his dreams,slip threw his fingers for the last time...
I've updated 3 days in a row,I'm lowkey actually kinda proud of myself. Thank you so much if you read this and hopefully you like it if not that's ok. Also I take requests! I'm sorry if this one is kinda disappointed because you two don't get back together and again IM SORRY!

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