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Romeo doesn't remember the walk home after the concert. He was too busy being on cloud nine after his and Chelia's heavy make-out session. When he woke up the next morning, he got dressed, made some breakfast for himself and his dad so he could eat later, grabbed the book Totomaru-Sensei gave to him and took off to the Fairy Tail guild hall on auto-pilot as his mind was still in a daze.

Taking the scenic route through the forest, he took in the peace and quiet while he strolled. By the time he got to the guild hall the sun was barely above the horizon and as usual Romeo was here before the Strauss Siblings, Kinana, or even Master Makarov showed up. But he didn't mind that today cause after what happen last night nothing could bring him down.

Or at least that's what he thought until he saw the Sorcerer Weekly that was sitting in front of the guild hall. The guild had a monthly subscription that was delivered to them though they had to pay extra for them to come way out here to drop it off.

And holy shit, right smack dab on the cover, in fact it was taking up the whole cover, was the picture of that asshole Arashi about to kiss Chelia. The caption at the bottom read:


"Oh gods damn it!", Romeo thought even though he knew full well what happen, but no doubt this would cause trouble for Chelia.

At that very moment all he wanted to do was get on the guild's communication lacrima and call Chelia to see how she doing. But seeing how he didn't have a key to the door, he had no choice but to wait for someone who does to show up. So he decided to catch up on his reading of Professor Inferius' notes of fire magic. He took a seat on the ground next to the door and lean on the wall as he begun to read.

He's already read most of the book but still likes to look over it from time to time. It had tips on performing fire magic efficiently such as steady breathing, positive control, and even using emotions to fuel one's flames. But there was always that section full of weird symbols that he could never figure out. They seem faintly familiar for some reason but the boy couldn't place where he saw them before. He has looked through book after book on ancient languages in the town library, but found nothing that could help him and he was starting to wonder if he was wasting his t-

"Hey Romeo, what'cha you got there?"

"AHHHH!" Romeo screams as he throws his head back into the wall with a resounding thump.

As he lies on the ground clutching the back of his head, Levy is standing over him, apologizing profusely.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I thought you knew I was there with you being a Dragon-Slayer and all", she said.

"Ouch, I only have the enhance senses when I'm in Dragon-Slayer mode. Other than that, I'm just normal person", Romeo explained as he rubbed his head, "Why are you here so early?"

"I'm here to take account of all the books Jet and Droy brought with them when the First Guild Hall closed down. I have to see what's available to me and look for a good place to put a bookshelf."

"Of course it would be books. Books are usually the main reason behind anything Levy does", Romeo thought to himself.

Levy picks up the book he dropped and began looking through it like the bookworm she was known to be.

"Lots of information in here but it doesn't look like any book I've ever seen before", she commented.

"It's a book of notes written down by Professor Inferius," Romeo told her as the headache finally subsided.

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