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Disclaimer I do not own the hunger games Suzanne Collins does.

Haymitch POV

I wake up to the sound of my brother crying, that wimp. I told him not to cry the neighbours will think he's weaker then he already is. Well I better go see what all his pouting is about.

I scan my Thomas's face with disgust, his nose is running and his eyes are red and puffy. "What happened to you?" I scowl. "Today's reaping," he sniffles.

How could I forget? Today's Thomas's first reaping. But what's he worrying about he's only got one name in the reaping bowl. "Don't cry you suck you have one damn name in the damn bowl."

"Has mum left for work yet," I ask, He nods. My mother works at the coal mines, the same place where my father died.

He died ten years ago, I was six but I remember it like it was yesterday. I was at school when the mine sirens went off. I may have been young but I knew that the sirens meant there was an explosion. I ran to the square, my mum and Tom were already there.

The mayor announced that my father and eleven other miners were dead. We went to the justice building, and collected the money and food that we get to last us a month, while my mum gets a job. My mother cried for seven days straight, and if that wasn't bad enough she then got ordered to start working in the mines.

"I'm going to go visit Jenna," I tell my brother. Jenna Blu is my girlfriend we've been together for two years and three days. Her brother was reaped last year and she's been dreading this day ever since.

To get to Jenna's house I have to walk through the seam, ugh how I hate the seam. It's so sad and gloomy, everything's fifty shades of grey there's no life or colour. Plus it's reaping day so I hear kids wailing and whimpering, and I thought my brother was bad.

Thanks for reading please comment!!

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