When The Snake Bites Pt. 2

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A/N Should I do a face reveal????? Tell me your thoughts.

Harrys POV

When I entered Dumbledors office I heard grunts coming from his private room so I turned and walked out and knocked this time,

"Come in," he said and I walked in, he was red and flustered,

"Professor," I said and he looked at me,

"Surely you didn't want to come and say that, what's wrong Harry?" he asked,

"It's Severus, he was bitten by a snake in the meadow of flowers by the castle and I was wondering if any students owned a snake that might possibly take it outside?" I asked and he nodded,

"Find out what type of snake he was bitten by because Draco Malfoy owns a black mamba," he said,

"Thank you, professor," I said and walked out when I got to the hospital wing Draco was by me and out of breath holding his snake,

"I'm so sorry Harry, she got loose and I couldn't find her and I'm so sorry, where is he?" he asked and I looked at him in shock,

"It was you?!" I yelled and he nodded,

"Where's my godfather?" he asked,

"He's in there but get that snake away from him," I said and he nodded running to his room I walked in and whoever was holding Lucy gave her back to me, "Thank you," I said smiling and she nodded,

"Harry," Poppy said and I looked up from Lucy,

"Yes?" I asked concerned,

"There's a possible chance he won't live, even if I do everything I can," she said and I frowned letting a few tears slip, he just came back and he could be taken from us again, 

"Leave us," I said and she nodded walking to her office I owled Hermione, Ron, and Athena to meet me in the hospital wing and they showed a few minutes later panting and out of breath and their faces went ghostly white when they saw Sevy, 

"Harry, I'm so sorry," Athena said walking towards me,

"Will he be ok?" Ron asked,

"There's a slight chance he won't live," I said choking back a few sobs,

"Oh, Harry," Hermione said sitting next to me and hugging both me and Lucy,

"Lucy might not even know her father," I said sobbing into her shoulder,

"Harry, let's stay positive," Athena said sitting by me and holding my hand,

"I can't when we just got him back and he might leave us again," I said full on sobbing,

"Harry, you have to keep it together for Lucy, not for yourself," Ron reassured me,

"I'm trying, Ron, I am but I can't help it, she looks so much like him," I said,

"We know, Harry, we'll go and give you some time," Hermione said and I nodded,

The last week has been uneventful except Lucy crying and Hermione, Ron, and Athena passing through, Draco stayed with me, what really shocked us was when Lucy was crying and Sevy started stirring, "Sevy? Are you up?" I asked hopeful,

"You should really learn to control her Harry," Draco said and we heard a faint growl from the bed in between us,

"Sevy?" I asked again,

"Draco, leave Harry alone, he's trying his best," he said and we looked at him,

"Draco, give me time with Sevy," I said and he glared at me,

"He's my godfather, I should be the one to have time with him," he sneered,

"But, I'm his fiance and I have his child," I sneered back,

"Fine, I guess you have a point," he said and got up and walked out,

"Sevy," I said in a lowered voice for some unknown reason,

"I know, Harry, I love you too," he said and I crawled into his bed,

"I thought you bloody died!" I practically yelled with tears streaming down my face and he took his thumb and wiped them away,

"I know, Harry, I fought really hard to stay with you and Lucy, I didn't want her to grow up not knowing who her father was," he said wiping away my silent tears,

"I love you so much, Sevy, so damn much," I said and he nodded,

"I know I love you so damn much too," he said and I leaned into him with Lucy,

"We have a beautiful little family," I said and he nodded,

"That's because she inherited your good looks," he chuckled,

"Sevy?" I asked, 

"Yes, emerald?" he asked looking at me,

"When we get married can we have another kid?" I asked and he looked at me,

"Yes, we can, but I'll be the one to get pregnant," he said and I nodded I ended up falling asleep at some point when I was against him and that was the best sleep I've had in a week I was stiff and hurt from having to sleep in a chair all week.

When Sevy was able to get out of bed everyone took their O.W.Ls or N.E.W.Ts and me and Sevy were able to go home early, we couldn't apparate because of Lucy so we got early tickets for the train and we rode home it was very boring.

*After the train ride* 

Severus's POV

When we got to our house, well, my house and Harry's new house, everyone was hungry and tired, "Harry, there's something I want to show you first," I said as he was going into my room,

"What?" he asked stifling a yawn,

"Follow me," I said and he groaned as I walked up the stairs I rolled my eyes and picked him up bringing him to the nursery, Petunia stayed last night since I told her we were coming home today, of course, he didn't pay attention to her as I set him outside the door and took Lucy so he didn't drop her when he saw it, I opened the door and he walked in his jaw dropped when he saw it, 

"Follow me," I said and he groaned as I walked up the stairs I rolled my eyes and picked him up bringing him to the nursery, Petunia stayed last night since I told her we were coming home today, of course, he didn't pay attention to her as I set h...

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"Wow, Sevy, you did this?" he asked and I chuckled,

"No, I had some help," I said and he looked at me confused then Petunia came rushing over to see Lucy,

"Oh, is this her, she's beautiful, Harry, well, you too Sunshine," she said taking Lucy from me to hold her,

"Stop laughing Harry it isn't that funny," I said growling at him,

"Oh, stop, anyway, what's she doing here?" he asked,

"Harry, I think we need to talk," she said rocking Lucy back and forth to lull her to sleep and it worked.

A/N Seriously though should I reveal my face? And do like a background thing so you guys know more about me?

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