When The Snake Bites

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A/N If I don't post an update in a while it's because I'm packing to move.

Severus's POV

I woke up to Lucy crying, Harry was passed out in my arms from lack of sleep, I wiggled out of his grasp and went to the kitchen area for a bottle, after that, I went to Lucy and rubbed her nose so she would calm down a bit that way she didn't wake her other father, I changed her diaper, then fed her and she went back to sleep I walked back to Harry and cuddled to him falling asleep again.

Harrys POV 

I woke up in Sevy's arms and smiled, but, it faded when I realized it could be a dream, "What's wrong, emerald?" he asked noticing my frown when he woke up,

"I'm dreaming aren't I?" I asked and he looked at me confused then Lucy started crying, "Nope, not dreaming," 

"I could get her," he said and I shook my head,

"No, she's used to me in the mornings," I said going to her little nursery area in the spare room,

"Ok, I'll be in the bathroom," he said walking off,

"Hey, daddy's here, it's ok," I cooed picking her up and she started crying again, "Hey, it's ok, here, how's that," I rubbed her nose and it didn't work, I decided she needed a diaper change but it wasn't that either, 

"Need, help?" I heard a voice say behind me,

"Athena, you scared me, no, I'll call Sevy she's taken a liking to him since he got back," I said, "Sevy!" 

"He's back?!" she whisper-yelled,

"Yeah," I said and Sevy walked in,

"What is it?" he asked and I turned to him he was only wearing sweatpants and he had abs, I'm guessing he got them when he was away,

"She won't stop crying," I said and handed her to him and she shut up,

"You and I need to talk," Athena said with her face screwed up,

"Not now, Athena," I said and she glared at me,

"Give Lucy to Harry," she demanded and Sevy gave her back to me, "Come on," 

Severus's POV

"Where the bloody hell were you for 5 weeks?!" Athena whisper-yelled at me,

"I was at my house fixing up a nursery for Lucy," I whispered back annoyed,

"So you thought it was a good idea to leave Harry with your newborn baby?" she asked annoyed, 

"I had no choice, I forgot about it until I realized the baby would need somewhere to sleep," I said,

"Fine," she said giving up.

Harrys POV

Sevy and Athena came back, Athena wore an annoyed face and Sevy wore a smirk,

"Hey, Sevy, we need to feed before we leave," I said and he nodded I handed Lucy to Athena and she stood waiting for me and Sevy to finish, 

"Ok, let's go," Sevy said after he gave me a hickey,

"Finally," she said annoyed,

"Athena?" I asked and she turned to me,

"What now?" she asked annoyed,

"Can I have my baby back?" I asked and she looked down, 

"Oh, right," she said handing her to me with a look of realization on her face, we walked to breakfast in silence beside the occasional coo Athena would make at Lucy when she'd make cute noises,

"I'm sitting with Sevy," I told Athena and she nodded Sevy and I walked to the teacher's  table, Sevy was holding Lucy, since this was my first time taking her to the Great Hall everyone gathered around when they saw the little bundle in his arms, Sevy got a little protective of her and growled at anyone who came to close to his precious daughter,

"Awe, Sevy, you didn't tell me she was so cute!" Draco all but squealed, 

"Sevy, give me Lucy before you rip off everyone's head off," I said and he nodded,

"Can I hold her Harry? Please?" Draco begged,

"Yes you can," I said and handed her to him,

"Awe, what's her name?" he asked engulfed by the cuteness of Lucy,

"Her names Lucifer, Lucy for short," I said and he giggled, "What's so funny?" 

"She's named after the devil," he said giggling more,

"What's going on?" Athena asked walking up to us,

"Go away, Weasel," Draco replied and I giggled when her face scrunched up in confusion,

"What did you just call me?" she asked in a sarcastic tone,

"You heard me, hand me down clothes, red hair, freckles, you must be a Weasley," he said,

"Ok, first of all I am not a Weasley and if I was I wouldn't have the nerve to come up here, and second of all I'm a Potter, well a Brown, but not the point, my birth parents were James and Lily Potter so you can stop calling me a Weasel, and third of all these are not hand me down's I just wasn't with my parents when they got me the uniform," she said and Draco's jaw dropped in surprise,

"I didn't know the Golden Boy had a sister," he said,

"Well, he does," she said walking off and swaying her hips,

"You don't wanna mess with her Draco, she's a feisty one," I said and my stomach grumbled,

"I guess we should be getting to the table," Sevy said chuckling.

*After breakfast*

Harrys POV still

Sevy decided we should go on a walk and we did, Sevy walked off to a patch of flowers and I walked ahead not really worrying since we weren't in the forest, I sat on the grass waiting for Sevy to get back, but he never did.

"HARRY!" I heard a girl scream and I ran towards the area I heard the scream, she took Lucy out of my hands as I fell to the ground when I saw what I saw, Sevy was on the ground bleeding.

"Help me, bring Lucy to the hospital wing as fast as you can," I said picking up Sevy and willing my wings out she nodded and ran to the hospital wing as I took off into the air flying as fast as I could to Poppy, my wings must've noticed me straining to go faster so they picked up their own speed and I made it there in no time,

"Help him, I'm going to Dumbledore," I said and Poppy called back at me,

"Harry, that's a snake bite," she said, I nodded I ran to Dumbledors office and didn't bother knocking till I heard grunts from his private room.

A/N Draco was obviously trying to hide his fangirling but couldn't, also titles are my weakness I realize that tonight.

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