《2》Explore Paris? Bad Idea

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Your POV
You might have thought that I wouldn't be able to sleep well because of jet lag from travelling to places with different time zones, but nope! I woke up to my alarm from my phone, which read 8am. "Good morning Luna!" I greeted Luna happily. "Good morning! Looks like someone is happy to explore Paris," Luna exclaimed. I nodded, smiling. I got up and went to my bathroom. I took a nice lukewarm shower. Once I was finished, I dried off and put on a white t-shirt, jeans and a light brown cardigan. I put on my F/C sneakers. (You know how all the characters in the show wear the same clothes everyday? Yeah, this will be your everyday wear) I quickly blowdried my hair and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my bag and Luna flew into it. I put my phone and wallet inside it as well. I grabbed my sunglasses and wore them. Now I'm ready! I walked down to the main door and went out. I opened the gate manually and closed it behind me.

"Where to go?" I asked myself out loud. "Maybe the park? It's nice there," Luna suggested from my bag. I nodded and walked in the direction of the park. I may have been away from home for a long time but I still know my way around. After about ten minutes, I reached the park. I decided to sit down on a bench for a little bit. I took my sunglasses off and placed them on my head. I looked over at the fountain to see someone doing a photoshoot. I decided to take a closer look. I got up from the bench and strolled on over. Hmmm the guy looks familiar. No way, it's Adrien! I can't believe it! Mum is actually friends with his dad, Gabriel Agreste. Adrien and I used to be friends until I left for about a year for my big modeling tour thing. I stood there watching for a bit until he stopped for what I guessed was a break. I took that chance to go say hi.

"Adrien?" I called. He looked over and once he saw me, he went wide eyed. "Y/N?!" He gushed, surprised. I nodded smiling. "Oh my gosh!" He shouted while he gave me a hug. "Hahah hey Adrien. It's been a while," I greeted, returning the hug. "Yeah, it has. How have you been? I haven't seen you for like what? A year?" I laughed. "I've been doing great! Lots of photoshoots and important events to attend to. I've been pretty busy. And yes, it's been practically a year. How about you?" I explained. "School, photoshoots and friends," he replied. Oh! That's right, school! "Hey, what school do you go to? Because my mum finally allowed me to go to a real school!" I asked. "Really? That's awesome! I go to Collège Françoise Dupont," he noted. "Really?! I'm going to go there!" I said. "That's awesome! When are you coming?" "Tomorrow."  He went shocked. "So soon? Didn't you arrive back just yesterday?" "Yup. And I can't wait!" "Adrien? Are you ready? Let's finish this up!" I heard Adrien's photographer call. He looked at me and his facial expression brightened up. He gasped, "Is that Mademoiselle Y/N L/N? The famous teen model?" That is a strong French accent. I smiled and nodded, "yes, that's me. May I help you?" "Do you mind joining in for the last few shots?" He asked with hope in his eyes. I don't mind. "Sure. Let's do it!" He got excited and brought me and Adrien to the fountain. He set us up to look like a sweet couple. I casually did what he said, such as holding hands, staring lovingly into each other's eyes and so on. What? I just came back from modeling with a lot of other guys and of course solo shoots. It's kind of like acting. I got used to modeling like this. I took a quick glance at Adrien and saw him slightly flustered. I giggled. "Perfect! Lovely! Beeeaaautiful! Now Y/N, kiss him on the cheek!" Wait what. I felt heat rise to my cheeks. Sure I did couple shots plenty of times and had to fake kiss on guys' cheeks but this is my friend for crying out loud! I can't feel awkward! I looked at Adrien and kissed him on the cheek. I heard a bunch of camera clicks and I looked away, a blushing mess. "You are a natural Miss Y/N! I must ask Sir Gabriel to get you in more of Adrien's shoots!" The photographer complimented. Aawww I'm flattered! "Thank you! I would love to model with Adrien more."

I got up and looked at Adrien. He was slightly blushing. Awww that's cute. Wait no! Bad! He's just your friend! "Well, do you want to walk around for a bit? I was actually going to do some exploring since I haven't been here in a year," I asked. His face lighted up. "Sure! Let's go! Let me just tell my body guard."

As we started to walk to the exit of the park, I heard a scream. Oh no. I turn around and see a bunch of fangirls. "There she is!!!! I knew she was here! And she's with Adrien!!!!" One of them screamed. Wait how did they know I was here? I bet some other fangirl told other fangirls and the information just spread like wildfire. They started to run after me. Shit. I slowly stepped back and then bolted with Adrien by my side. We both ran for a bit until we stopped in front of another group of fangirls. You have got to be kidding me! I took no time to think and just ran in a different direction, not knowing that I had parted ways with Adrien. I looked back and he wasn't there. Oh no, I lost him! But I still saw myself getting chased by the girls. There were actually some boys too. I just kept running.

Adrien's POV
As we stopped in front of the other group of girls, I saw a glimpse of Y/N bolting to the right. I quickly moved to the left and everyone went after her. Well, time for Chat Noir to help a damsel in distress. I ran to an alleyway to hide. Plagg flew out of my shirt. "I think she's more popular than you! Now you don't have to worry about being in the spotlight anymore!" He teased. "I still get that but right now, the attention is on her because she just came back. Now shut up, we need to help her! Plagg, claws out!" I transformed into my alter ego, Chat Noir. I jumped up onto a rooftop and went in the direction Y/N ran. I heard fangirls screaming again. I ran in the direction of the screaming. I ran along a rooftop, seeing her getting chased. I followed her. She has good stamina. I dashed forward and waited for the perfect moment. Right as she went past me, I jumped down and landed just in time before the fans could get close to her. They stopped in their tracks, shocked. "Sorry ladies...and guys, but I think it's good to give the lady some space," I looked at Y/N, seeing her staring at me with shock and clearly out of breath. I carried her bridal style, extended my staff and got onto a rooftop. I put her down.

"You okay?" I asked her. She nodded. She's still speechless. "T-thank you, Ch-Chat Noir," she stuttered. "It's no problem. I was just walking around when I saw you, so I helped," I lied. She bought it. "Need me to bring you home?" I asked and she nodded. I carried her bridal style again.

I jumpped down onto the ground in front of her main door and put her down. "Thank you, again. You're too kind. I honestly wouldn't have made it out there alive," she thanked me and joked. I laughed. "You're welcome, belle~," I flirted with her. She smiled and looked away. "I'll check up on you tonight. Is that alright?" She nods, "sure." "Where is your room?" I asked. What? That's totally not creepy at all to ask that kind of question. She pointed to a balcony. I nodded. "See you later, belle," I said and kissed her hand. I gazed back up at her face and saw her change her expression as if she just remembered something. "Wait, where's Adrien? I was with him but we got separated. Is he okay?" Awww she cares about me. "Oh? Well I'm not sure. But I know he's fine. I'll check up on him later," I reassured her. She smiled, thanked me and went inside her home. I jumpped up and went back to an alleyway to change back. "Claws in," I called and Plagg flew out of my ring. "You like her, don't you?" Plagg teased. I blushed. " What? No! I-I just met her after so long! Yes, I may have liked her a bit in the past. But that's the past..." I claimed. He laughed. "Hey! That's not funny! Anyway, we should go back home," I scolded Plagg. I went back home.

Man, did I miss her.


Yayyy another chapter done! I'll publish another chapter soon. Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it!

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