ㄹ럽ㅍ잧= random korean letters

2 2 0


Woke up again
just like each day
(Ya) i suppose
I'm awake

Are you sure?
Are you in a dream
or in a realistic dream?

Try to wake up
Try it

Yes, Yes, Yes

Come here

You're always
welcome here


Why do i feel like
I'm still dreaming?
I'm awake but
it looks dreamy

Background lyrics:

(Choose one
i let your time go)

Sh What do I prefer
sleep or awake?

Well that's quite easy,
i want to do both

No, No, No

No you don't understand
how can i do both
follow me
I'll show you how


Why do i feel like
I'm still dreaming?
I'm awake but
it looks dreamy

Background lyrics and ad-libs:


Still dreaming)
(It looks dreamy)


The feelings on the sleep
wake me up it cannot be true
please wake me up

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