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Italy, 1948
"Mamá mira esto (Mum look at this)," Erin cheered as she ran up to the red dusted brick house. Her mother walked out the door, a bright smile adorned her face. She ran up to her, a sunflower in hand, as my little face was covered in the soft dirt.
"¿Qué tienes Erin (What do you have Erin)" She asked, her soft voice calming the young child so that she hauled in front of her mother with a tiny little smirk. "¡ Encountré una flor! (I found a flower)" Erin responded as my eyes drifted down to the yellow flower. The stem rigged from being pulled out roughly by the child.
"¿Sabes qué tipo (Do you know what type)" The older women asked as she crouched down. Her pale lime dress dusting the wooden floor boards of the patio they stood on. The small girl frowned before turning the flower to face her as she rested the flower on her face. A small smile appeared before she scrunched her brows in confusion. '¿Me pregunto si ella puede decir (i wonder if she can tell)' The small girl thought she could hear. Her eyes raised off the flower to meet her mother's in confusion and distress.
"¿Mamá le hizo decir algo (mum did you say something)" She asked her mother. She watched as her mothers face frowned and her brows scrunched together, the wind blowing her brunette hair across her face before letting it rest over her shoulders.
"No querido, ¿por qué preguntar (no dear, why do you ask)" She heard her say before the girl shook her head. She looked around frantically before running inside, past her mother, and sliding shut the brown oak door. How could she hear something she didn't say? What was wrong with her? Was something happening? Erin fell asleep quickly with exhaustion and sleeping through to the next morning.

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