Day 1

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Sirius: Hello?

???: Uh Hello?

Sirius: Oh Goody. This is pizza house right?

???: what?! No... Sorry wrong number.

Sirius: Oh. Well Hiya.

???: ..... Hey

Sirius: What're you up to?

???: I'm reading... And you?

Sirius: Listening to my friend talk about his girlfriend's lips.

???: That's... Nice.... You still have the wrong number though.

Sirius: I know... I'll just add you to my contacts as book guy.

Book Guy has now been added.

Book Guy: Alright?

Sirius: Are you hot?

Book Guy: Oh Yeah... Like an eternal flame... I'm so hot.

Sirius: Wowza.... Really!?

Book Guy: Oh Yeah! It's really hot outside so I'm hot also.

Sirius: ... Oh. That hot.

Book Guy: What other hot did you think.

Sirius: Good looking hot.

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