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Dimitrius entered the bullpen in panic mode. "We have a problem, people."

Four sets of eyes lifted towards him.

"Sounds like the wrong kind of problem, mate."

Dimitrius stared at Bobby. "You can say that again. We lost Sue and Jack."

"What?" Like an echo, the word traveled from desk to desk.

"They failed to respond when I sent the update on Mercer an hour ago," Dimitrius told them.

Jack and Sue had been following the shady businessman ever since he was seen picking up a small package at an African embassy three weeks earlier. Suspected of smuggling blood diamonds, the Bureau wanted to identify the buyer before arresting Mercer.

"What was the update about?" Myles asked.

"Mercer boarded a plane from Billings Logan International Airport. I've already contacted our office in Seattle." Dimitrius paced the bullpen. "Agents are waiting for Mercer's arrival and will take over his trail. I was going to tell Jack and Sue to come home."

"Do we know if they made contact with Mercer?" asked Bobby.

Seated on the corner of Jack's desk, Dimitrius held Bobby's steady gaze. "No, we don't. When I talked to Jack last night, he didn't mention anything about his cover being blown. They'd stopped in Red Lodge, a small Montana town about sixty miles southwest of Billings, and they were heading out for an evening of entertaining at the local saloon."

"Somehow the images you're conjuring up are all but flattering," Myles observed, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Jack was taking Sue with him." Dimitrius smiled. "He was hoping to catch Mercer with a client."

Tara giggled. "Not sure we're all thinking about the same type of clients here. I have something...well, maybe not what you want to have." Her eyes scurried back and forth on her screen. "I just accessed Jack's cell and Sue's blackberry, and got an out of area—no service message which may happen in the middle of nowhere."

"That's not helping, luv." Bobby's grin caused Tara's cheeks to blush.

"I also found their rental Jeep. According to the onboard GPS, they're still in Red Lodge, also known as Bad Lodge, estimated population of 2,500—makes you wonder what kind of accommodations they found—and, no, the car hasn't been returned to the rental agency." She frowned. "I know—it doesn't mean they're still with the car, but—"

"Keep trying their cell and blackberry." Dimitrius turned toward Bobby. "Bobby, I want you to brief our office in Seattle on the case. Myles, you're leaving for Red Lodge."

"Me? In cowboy country?" He objected with indignation. "Why can't koala boy go? It'd be right up his alley."

As Bobby got up, so did Dimitrius. "Bobby isn't going anywhere."

"It makes sense for me to go." Bobby held his friend and colleague's gaze. "I was in surveillance with Jack and Sue at the embassy. I know the case."

"Exactly my point, Bobby. If Mercer or any of his accomplices, whom we haven't identified yet, recognized Jack or Sue, you may not be safe." Dimitrius turned toward the rotor. "Lucy, get Myles on the first flight to Montana."

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