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"y/n!" You heard your mom yell at you. "Huh?" You yelled back at her. "Time for school get ready." "Oh fuck I forgot today was the first day of school.. Time for junior year" you thought. "Okay mom." "I am heading out for work love you bye." "Okay bye mom." You heard the door slam and went to your closet. You decided to wear this.

You got dressed and went outside to start your car it looked like this

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You got dressed and went outside to start your car it looked like this... 

Once you got to school you saw your bestfriend f/n

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Once you got to school you saw your bestfriend f/n. "F/n!?!" "Y/n hiii!!" "who do you have first period" "I have Mrs.Merrel" You say at the same time. You both scream in excitement and then go to class together. When you get inside your suddenly stopped and see your friend is nowhere in sight. "Where you going l/n (last name)" Ethan said. "None of your fucking business Dolan, don't you have a girl to fuck then ditch somewhere" I hated Ethan so much. "Whoa I see we have a feisty one. Hey Gray lets show her what we do to feisty ones" . What were they gonna do?. Grayson came over and was about to hit me but you ducked and he accidentally punched Ethan and gave him a bruise on his cheek. Ha thats what you get. "What the fuck Gray". "sorry" you walk to first  period Ethan right behind you. Ethan tried to sit next to Cameron (Cameron Dallas)"Right next to y/n Mr.Dolan"."Are you fucking serious" he stormed to sit next to you. Like Ethan said are you fucking serious. At the end of class you started to pack up but Mrs.Merrel said Mr.Dolan and Ms.l/n please stay here. Ethan rolled his eyes. So did you as you both went up to the teachers desk. "What the fuck do you need" Ethan said. "Language Mr.Dolan" She said. "Anyways Ms.l/n Ethan is in need of a mandatory tutor and your the smartest one here". "NO!" you said. "This is not an option young lady". You rolled your eyes "When does it fucking start" You said. "Today after school in the library I will be waiting for you too". "Whatever" you stormed out of the room but Ethan grabbed your shoulder and stopped you. "What the fuck do you need Ethan." "Chill y/n I was just going to tell you I'm sorry." You looked at him confused. "You sorry that's funny." "Haha very funny but really I am sorry." He sounded sincere. "Okay Ethan is that it." "For now" He muttered under his breathe with a smirk. You didn't hear him but you didn't think much of it and walked to your next class

Skip to lunch

When you went to lunch you went to go sit with your friends but then Ethan jumped in front of you with an ice cream. "This is for you" He said with his big gorgeous smile.

 "This is for you" He said with his big gorgeous smile

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 "Thanks" You took it confused. His smile faded a little and he asked "Why do you seem so surprised?" Because your a fucking bully you thought. A hot one though wait no I mean uhhh. "What are you thinking about l/n?" "Ummmmm nothing anyways thanks" You say walking to the table with all your friends. "Did you just get that from Ethan Dolan" F/n says surprised. "Yes I did I don't know why though". All your friends started saying "AWW" and then started to laugh hysterically. "Not. Funny. You.Guys" You say with a serious face. But they keep laughing at you. Finally you finish your ice cream and the bell rings. Everyone walked to their next classes.

Skip to the end of the day

You were about to walk out of the door but then you remembered your Ethan's tutor now. When you got to the library Ethan was already there with his feet up and he was playing on bis phone. When he noticed you he said "Where the hell have you been I have been here for 5 minutes already." "Wow Ethan a whole 5 minutes stop over reacting, lets just get this over with." Time went by as you two were studying and finally the hour passed. The timer went off on your phone. "Well looks like time is up." "Already?" Ethan said. "Yup... Ethan why did you give me that ice cream earlier?" "No reason" He said trying to hide a smile but you weren't looking at him so you didn't see anyways. "Okay." "Y/n" He says. "Yes Ethan?" You look up at him "Let me see your phone really quick." "Okay you say with a confused look as you hand him your unlocked phone. "Bye l/n.", "Bye Ethan"


Okay so it is currently 2;00 a.m but I hope you liked this chapter there's another one coming today thanks for reading loves


-J ✨💕

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