chapter 10

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Tsuna POV

I flutter my eyes open to see everything is dark,i start to shake in fear until I knew why.

I'm blind

I sigh and start to turn my head side to side trying to know where I am.if I remember correctly I'm suppose to be at the garden with reborn.then the memory start to flode my mind. Reborn ask me to sing a song I choose that song.I sigh and stand up still didn't see anything.until a light suddenly shone to me and I see something that I wish I didn't a memory........a memory that I tried hard to forget.

No one POV

~in the memory~

Tsuna woke up in a strange room he never been before.the room is full of device and some other thing like that in a hospital.tsuna look around to see a man wearing a lab coat is sitting beside him and writing something on his pad.the man look at tsuna and smirk.

"Finally awake I see"

The man said,tsuna look at him and open his mouth.

"W-where a-m I? And who a-are you?"

He ask,the man smirk widen and look at tsuna in his eye.

"Don't you remember what happen to you?"

The man ask,tsuna look at him in question and widen his eye when all the memory suddenly flood back into his minds.he scream in pain and widen his eye more if it possible.the man still with the smirk on his face start to write down the after affect of the drug he gave.the scream goes on for a another 10 minute and tsuna calm down after.he breath heavily and sweat start to pool at his forehead.he look at man beside him from the corner of his eye.

"W-where i-is s-s-she?"

He ask in a house voice due to his screaming early,the man loom at tsuna from his pad and look up,he do the thinking pose.then some light bulb appear on his head.

"Oh you mean the little girl with the long black hair?"

The man ask and on que and a scream could be heard from another side of the room.tsuna widen his eye and glare at the man beside him.

"What did you do to her!?"

Tsuna demand despite his body is hurt all over he brave himself to ask the man where his friend is.the man only smirk in return and turn away.the man walk toward a nearby metal table and take a syringe with a blue liquid in it.the man look back at tsuna and smirk.

"Now then shall we go to the next experiment?"

The man ask with a creepy smile on his face.tsuna only look at the man in fear and scream afterwards when the syringe inject to him and the man push the liquid inside.

~end of the memory~

Tsuna scream as he close his eye shut,he doesn't want to see that horrible memory anymore.he crouch down and start to cry as he mutter some word.his eye widen when he heard  his own scream of pain echoed through out his ear.he close his eye shut once again and wish that all of this can already came to an end.


He heard sweet voice call,he open his eye and once again look toward the light where he saw his horrible past memory.there he see a little girl wearing a white dress and having a soft smile on her face.the girl open his arm wide and smile at tsuna with her eye still close.her hair colour is black and long until it reach her ankle.tsuna just stare at the girl.


He said,the girl only giggle as answer as she turn around and start to run further into the light.tsuna surprise by her action also stand up and follow her from behind.they run for who know how long,the light is changing into a dark one as they run further inside. the girl suddenly stop on her track making tsuna also stop and look at her with question mark appear on his head.the girl stay quite at her place and look up to the dark sky,tsuna raise an eyebrow and also look up to the dark sky to see a certain memory that make him scream in utter fear and widen his eye.his body start to shake uncontrollably and feel his body hot all over.the girl who stand in front of tsuna start to laugh evilly and turn around to look at tsuna.she laugh even more harder while tsuna scream.then a flame suddenly appear on tsuna forehead as tsuna scream even more louder because of the pain.


He heard.


He heard again.


He jolt up awake and open both of his eye to see darkness.he scream once again completely forgot that he blind.Giotto don't know what to do so he just hug tsuna despite tsuna harsh push.he whisper to tsuna ear that "everything is going to be alright" or "it fine I'm here" or any other soothing line he can think of just to calm the brunette.Giotto say the soothing line over and over again until tsuna finally calm down and fall asleep.

The next morning tsuna woke up with Giotto beside him.he feel as if there something beside him so he poke that 'something' body.

"Who are you?"

He ask,Giotto stir a little and open both of his eye to see that his cute little brother is staring at him with his large dull doe eye and poking his arm.Giotto smile and hug him.

"Good morning tsuna"

He said,tsuna finally know who the person is hug back and greet his beloved brother.

"Morning to you to giotto-nii!"

He say cheerfully, then some question enter his mind.

"Why do you sleep here giotto-nii?"

He ask,Giotto look at tsuna with one of his eyebrow raise.

"You......don't remember?"

Giotto ask,tsuna tilt his head a little and said.

"Remember what?"

He ask his brother back.Giotto only smile in reliefs that his brother doesn't remember the whatever nightmare tsuna has last night. He hug tsuna again and Stand up.

"Let go tsuna I'm sure the other already waiting"

Giotto said with a soft smile on his face.tsuna even thought still a little bit confuse as to what his brother id nonetheless stand up with his brother help and ready himself for breakfast.
.sorry if there a wrong grammar and I hope you enjoy😊

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