coming soon

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[ sneak peek ]

   I blink. Then I blink again.

   "Guys have any of you seen my contact?"

   "You wear contacts?"


   Hedley sits up from his position, "I might have seen some kind of spontaneous combustion going on in there." (and he says it in the calmest way possible, gesturing at the fire, so stoic that I'm convinced even a murder wouldn't get any more than this indifferent expression he's got on his face)

   I glare at Hedley. "And that didn't seem like a concern to you?"

   Liz scoffs.

   Hedley shoots her a look. "Well, I'm sorry but from what I remember from all my years of public education there are a lot of things on this earth that are flammable, especially if you, I don't know, do this thing called lighting them on fire."

   Liz starts to flails her arms around and make sound effects that is her sad attempt at spontaneous combustion. She sits up from her position. "How'd they even fall out in the first place?"

   All four of us stare at the fire. 

   "Who's idea was the campfire again?" I ask.

   Liz raises her hand and speaks up. "Well not everyone exactly prefers uncooked instant noodles, plus I like to burn things."

   "I could have sworn I put them in properly."

   "Oh, come on. Don't be like that. Do you have glasses?" Oliver's blurry shape asks me. On top of the seven in the evening darkness, and the absolute (not so absolute since, of course, there are stars but those are crap at lighting black of the night sky left me to the light of the fire to see. Which was ironic enough for me.)

   "Well, yeah but..." I hug my arms to keep myself warm.

   Oliver puts his flannel over my shoulders, without asking. "Come on, I'll help you look for them. You did pack them right?"

   I nod and he starts for the mini cooper, me in tow.

 After minutes of searching through an uncharacteristically unorganized hole of everything-miscellaneous-i-clearly-don't-need-with-me that was my bag, I step out of the car looking like an absolute dork.

   "Aww look at you. Come on let's go, I hear Hedley and Liz bringing out the bongos and dear God, you don't want that happening."

   I look down and stare at my feet on the way back.

   "You know you actually look pretty cute with your glasses." He mentions.

   Then I'm staring at him, suddenly able to see clearly (so clearly that a little corner of my brain is telling me how incidentally, I'd just been called cute by a guy who wasn't necessarily uncute himself, and that there was nothing wrong with the heat rushing into my cheeks).


[ behind the story ]

Celeste // @columns

So, I had an idea like, three quarters of a year ago called Charlie Runs Away, and since then I've been trying to write it, but I'm a typical teenage girl so that means that I hardly get anything done, and so hopefully with the help of Adde,

(who btw has this extremely flattering message below, and im flattered so imma tell you all about how shes also wonderful and has twice as much creativity and motivation than i do, so you see why shes my friend bc our writing habits balance each other out and so this collab is clearly going to be one hell of a well-balanced book.)

(also she's evidently taken a liking to the word birthchild)

we're going to be able to write something beautiful, yeah?

Adde // @engravings

This story is the birthchild of two great minds who wanted to do collab over the summer. Of course that did not happen because procrastination happens anywhere, anytime no matter if you have any school work or not. This was originally Celeste's birthchild entitled Charlie Runs Away which is obviously only in the perspective of Charlie, but as she clearly states in her bio she is a certified giver upper. We were originally planning on writing a different story using the Disneyitus Challenge for our collab, but she decided to revive Charlie Runs Away and was nice enough to ask me to come aboard and help her expand the story. With Celeste's impeccable vocabulary and writing skills, and my so called creativity and motivation, we make a pretty bad ass pairing. Quite frankly, I am super excited for the future of this story so you should be too!

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