Meeting the Pharoah

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Third POV

She didn't have to wait for long as she felt the cage being put down on the ground, her ears going back as she shifted into a position that made it easier to spring to her paws and run.

But she was not prepared for the tarp that was covering her cage to be removed and a bright light to come through, making her his and close her eyes.

After a couple of moments, she slowly opened her eyes while blinking slightly. "Ah, it seems that the sacred leopard is awake. What do you think of her, my king?" She heard a human man speak before she looked ahead and her ice blue eyes widened.

Standing in front of her, was a man that seemed to be a guard of some sort and further up ahead seemed to be a group of six priests and a young man with wild tricolor hair sitting on a throne and looking at her with interest.


Atem's POV

I was sitting on my throne as I study the leopard that was brought before me, the keeper insisting that it was some sort of sacred animal.

I didn't believe him until I saw the beautiful animal for myself and to be honest, I was quite awestruck. A white leopard with ice blue eyes? That is surely a phenomenon.

When I heard the man's question, I looked over at him and hummed softly. "She is indeed quite a beauty. I have never seen a leopard with that fur or eye color." I responded, the man seeming pleased.

But what I noticed upon closer inspection was that the she-leopard seemed...frightened? Her ears were back and she was staring at me and my guardian court with what seemed to be fear in her eyes while her body was tensed in a position ready to either pounce or flee.

I felt my heart aching at the sight. Such a beautiful creature should not be afraid. But what puzzled me is how expressive the leopard was being as her eyes seemed more human then animal.

Hmm...Perhaps she is a sacred animal after all.


Yuki's POV

I shrink back slightly under the man on the throne's intense stare. /Judging by the throne and the gold, I am guessing he is most likely the king of whatever country I so happen to stumble myself into. But how did I even get here?/ I wondered to myself.

But I shuddered slightly when the king on the throne spoke, his baritone voice sending shivers down my spine and making my fur fluff up a bit. /Great Nekundria, it should be illegal for a human man to have such a deep voice./ I thought as I fought back a blush. Thankfully, my fur does not show it when I blush.

I continued watching the court and the king with fear and wariness, my tail curled around my hind legs. /Whatever happens, as soon as they open this cage I am out of here./ I though determinedly, sure that I would be able to make it through.

But what was suggested next was something that both shocked me and changed my life forever.....

The Leopard Neko Princess and the Pharaoh of EgyptWhere stories live. Discover now