Chapter 47

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"It looks like the final day of the Games has begun." Mira looked to where the arena was.

"Now's our chance!" Natsu said.

"But how do we sneak into the castle without giving ourselves away?" Wendy asked.

"I have a plan for that!" Happy said as he, Carla, and Lily were flying.

"I just know it's going to be a terrible idea." Carla stated.

"What are you saying?! These disguises are perfect!" Happy said as Mira, Natsu, and Wendy each wore a costume.

"They'd rouse anybody's suspicions."

"It's all right! I have an idea!" Mira said.

"I knew Mira'd know what to do!" Natsu exclaimed.

Looking towards the arena, Wendy took off her head piece. "We have to do everything we can to break Lucy free! I'm sure Erza and the rest of the team are giving their all at the Games, too!"


"This will show each team's martial skills, magic, and trust in their comrades...In the final day's full-team survival battle!" Chapati exclaimed. "We begin the namesake of the Games, the Grand Magic Game!" Fireworks exploded in the sky.
"This time the battlefield is the entire city of Crocus! Each team is scattered throughout the town and is now standing by! When any member wandering through the town meets an enemy...a battle must ensue! Knock out your opponent or stop him or her from continuing to fight, and your team gets 1 point added to its score!" Chapati explained.
"Also, each Guild's team has one leader! The other teams do not know who that leader is. But if you defeat the leader, the winning team gets 5 points! That means a single team could theoretically score up to 45 points! And every Guild has a chance at the win!
"Do the teams stay united, or do they split up? We will see their strategies unfold!"

With Fairy Tail, Erza looked at her teammates. "Listen up. We have no choice but to win. This is to get Lucy back!"

"We'll definitely win! Let's just hope Natsu and the others don't mess up..." Sora said.

"Winning'd be the best way out of this." Gajeel stated.

"But we have another reason to win the Games." Gray said.

"And that's to make up for the 7 years of humiliation our Guild has suffered!" Laxus said, smirking.

"Who will obtain the honor and stand at the pinnacle of the magic world?! Let the final Grand Magic Game..." As Chapati said this, a man hit against the gong, scaring himself. "...begin!"

"Let's go!" Fairy Tail shouted together.

While the crowd cheered, Chapati smiled. "It's started, hasn't it? The final Game!" 

"Ah I thought most teams are deciding to split up." Yajima said.

"Everybody's doing their best, pumpkin!" Mato said.

"As expected, Sabertooth, whose members all have very advanced abilities, has split up completely." Chapati stated. "Others are splitting into buddy teams. There are even three-wizard groups."

  With Saber, Rufus noticed something on the Lacrima vision. 

"What is it, Rufus?" Orga asked, looking at him as he stood on a building while Rufus stayed on the ground.

"They aren't moving." Rufus frowned.

Gasping, Chapati said, "What is this...?! What is going on with Fairy Tail?! All five of them are just standing there with their eyes closed!"

Grand Magic Games: Fairy Tail X Magi CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now