Chapter 49

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"In the library, we have Gray of Fairy Tail...and Rufus of Sabertooth in a confrontation!" Chapati announced.

"Is this in your calculations, First Master?" Romeo asked.

"Yes." Mavis replied.

"Then Gray is sure to win this match, huh?" Warren said, smugly.

"I do not know."

"What?!" Elfman exclaimed.

"But he must win. The man called Rufus is the key to Sabertooth."


"So what're you saying? That this Rufus guy knows all of our locations?" Gajeel asked as Sora, Gray, Laxus, and Erza were formulating a plan far away.

"That is exactly it." Mavis nodded.

"So it seems that taking down Rufus is a priority." Erza suggested.

"Can you let me take him down?" Gray asked, suddenly.

"Gray-" Before Sora could finish, he stood up from his seat.

"All right, First Master?!"

Eyebrows furrowing, Mavis looked down. "My calculations show that a match-up between you and Rufus will put you at a disadvantage. The probabilities of your winning-"

"I don't care about the odds! I want to help save Lucy, and I've got a score to settle with him! I'm asking as a Fairy Tail wizard! Please let me do this!"

Frowning, Mavis looked at Gray. "There are times when emotions outweigh calculations."

Flashback end~~~~~~~

"So show me...the strength of your emotions." Mavis said.


Using his magic, Gray yelled, "Let's do this, you masked creep!" However, Rufus smirked, closing his book. "Ice Make: Freeze Lancer!"

Chuckling, Rufus dodged every attack. "Memorized!"

"You're not getting away! Ice Impact!" Sending a drill made out of ice, Gray made it crash to the ground. Rufus simply dodged that too.


"What are you mumbling about?" Gray glared.

Landing on his feet, Rufus held his hat. "Memory becomes a weapon. I memorize any magic I see. And using that memory as a base, I make new magic!"

"What's that mean?"

"Memories or your Ice Magic. Memories of Olga's Thunder Magic. I remember it all. Memory Make." Rufus looked at Gray, glaring. "Frozen Black Thunder Sword!" Before Gray could react, black lightning started striking the ground, making Gray yell out in pain when one struck him.

"Gray!" All of Magi, minus Kouen, yelled. 

"Can he just...make up whatever magic he wants?!" Alibaba yelled.

Smirking, Rufus said, "Shrine of Turbulent Fangs!" Swiping one of his arms in Gray's direction, he generated several whirlwinds his way.

However, Gray raised his arm in front of him. "Shield!"

Closing his eyes, Rufus moved his hand to his head. " 'Shield,' memorized. And...Forget!"

Before Gray could react, his shield dispersed. "My shield just vanished..." Dodging, he was left unprepared as a whirlwind caught it in its grasp, sending him in the air.

"So Rufus can make as many new magics as he wants?" Morg asked.

"And once Gray uses certain magic, he can't use it again?" Sin asked.

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