Chapter 23

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2:09 PM

Mrs. Hansen's class always seemed to drag on, and today was no exception. I tapped my pencil impatiently on my desk, counting down the minutes until school would finally be over. Christopher and I had plans to go see The Nutcracker ballet right after, and I couldn't wait.

When the bell finally rang, signaling the end of class, I nearly leapt out of my seat, wanting to make my way out of class as quickly as possible. However, a hand wrapped around my forearm, holding me in place.

I turned around to see Melanie standing above me. "What do you want," I said, not bothering to hide my annoyance.

"I just wanted to say sorry." Her face turned into an expression of fake sincerity, which seemed foreign on her usual devious face.

"For what?"

"For what happened between you and Christopher. I know it must be difficult to deal with."

I rolled my eyes, as I picked up my bookbag, getting ready to leave. "I have no clue what you're talking about."

"Wait, Sam didn't tell you?" she said, her face faking surprise. "She and I overheard him and your brother in the hallway the other day, and I just assumed that she told you."

My head whipped towards her, unable to hide the curiosity. I always knew that they had some sort of feud between them, but they both refused to acknowledge it towards me. It couldn't be that bad, or else Sam would have told me.

"Wow, she really didn't tell you? This is really awkward then." She took a few moments, savoring my newfound interest, before continuing.

"Well, as you know, I'm captain of the cheer team, which comes with many different responsibilities. So, I was staying after school to meet with the coach and when I was leaving I ran into my ex-boyfriend JT, who was practically begging me to take me back-"

"Get to the point," I said harshly.

"Anyway," She rolled her eyes. "As I was going to my locker, I overheard Scott and Christopher arguing in the hallway, and it seemed that the topic of discussion was you."

My voice piqued with interest. "What did they say?"

A small smile spread on her lips. "Something about Christopher's sister and your brother dating, and then about how Christopher planned to get his revenge on Scott through you."

My heart dropped. "What kind of revenge?"

"Apparently, he only dated you so that he could break your heart and hurt you the same way that Scott hurt Nicole, his sister."

Time seemed to stop as all color drained from my face.

No...this isn't can't be.

"You're- you're lying," I stammered, barely able to breathe.

"I'm sorry Brielle, but it's true." I could tell from her face that she was everything but sorry.

And at that moment, I felt my world fall apart.

I had trusted him, and believed him, only for him to use me. All the times that he whispered in my ear and told me how much he cared for me were just lies. He was just a liar.

The memory of his words from earlier today flooded into my mind:

"I'd never lie to you."

I covered my mouth with my hands as I choked back sobs.

How could I be so wrong about someone?

You're so stupid Brielle. You're so stupid.

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