Pandora's Box

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When man had been made, Jupiter decided that he would make a woman, and send her down to earth.

He called on all the gods and goddesses to help him, and they did.

Venus gave her beauty. Apollo gave her the gift of music. Minerva gave her wisdom and skill in spinning and weaving. The mischievous Mercury stirred in for spice a few very human failings and, and curiosity among them.

When she was finished, she was lovely. Quite proud of their handiwork, the gods named her Pandora - which means "the gift of all the gods" - and Jupiter into her hands a chest of ivory, quite small but intricately carved, with an odd golden clasp.

He cautioned her to keep it by her always, but never open it.

Then, he sent her down to earth and presented her to Epimetheus.

And she made Epimetheus a very good wife. She was a good cook; she kept the house tidy; she wove a beautiful cloth; and she obeyed her husband's wishes in everything.

In spite of herself, however, she found her thoughts turning too often to that ivory box she had brought with her.

Finally, there came a time when it seemed to her that she and the box could not possibly be in the same house any longer unless she knew what was in it.

So she took the little golden key that hung from it by a silken cord, and turned it in the lock.

Then she lifted the lid- just a little, just for a glimpse.

Alas, poor Pandora! In an instant, the room was filled with tiny ugly winged creatures, buzzing about the walls and streaming through the windows.

What had she done?

In a panic, she shut the lid again, but it was too late.

For in that box had been all the evil things the world had not known before- Meanness and Greed, Cruelty and Pain, and a Million others - and as soon as the lid was lifted, out they flew.

They have been flying about ever since, causing all sorts of grief and misery.

What a pity she ever let them loose!

But there is one thing to be said for Pandora - when, in her panic, she clapped the box lid shut again, and she did it just in time.

For in the chest, there with the wicked winged things was Hope.

If Hope had escaped with the rest, the world would have been for worse that it is.

But fortunately, she was left behind.

And whatever could we do without her?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2014 ⏰

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