Chapter 3

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I looked at the man Magnus was introducing me to. His ice blue eyes looked at me with some degree of severity and seduction.

“Maisy Enark, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said picking up my hand and lowering his head to kiss the top of my hand. His beard felt weird on my skin. I had to hold back rolling my eyes. This wasn’t something uncommon. It didn’t happen often, but I was used to the attempts at wooing.

“Likewise, Mr. Crane” I replied. He was much taller than me, even though the heels I was wearing gave me at least four ridiculous inches.

“Seneca,” he corrected. Magnus ignored us and continued.

“Mr. Crane was the head gamemaker last year and will be assuming the position once again,” Magnus added.

“Very nice,” I said and nodded to him as if I cared. He cracked a smile and looked back over to Magnus who was continuing his conversation. I listened in and watched Seneca Crane. His beard was how I remember it; peculiar. Now seeing it in person, I could tell it fit him perfectly. His blue eyes were very bright and stood out against the lighter skin. His eye brows were thick and gave a severe look unless he was laughing. When he finished talking to Magnus, he turned to me, catching me off guard. Normally I was more in control of what I was doing, but I think he caught me staring. He gave me a slight smirk.

“Would you like to dance, Maisy?” he asked seductively. I felt Magnus’s stare boring into the side of my face. It felt as if I would have a hole in my head from his stare. I hesitated.

“I am actually pretty hungry, I was thinking about getting some soup,” I gestured towards the tables with my lie.

“Please, it will be one dance. You can’t be that hungry after spending all that time over there?” he called my bluff. So this guy was just gutsy and arrogant, not stupid. My skin started to heat with slight irritation. Doesn’t anyone respect other’s wants whether they’re true or not?

"Well, either way, there was a pie I thought looked good," I hesitated. "Would you care to join me, Mr. Crane?" He wasn't going to leave me alone until I danced with him, and even then, he'd still try to woo me.

"Seneca," he corrected again. I ignored him. "Do I have a dance after that?" he still pressed.


"I can work with that." I rolled my eyes. This is ridiculous, I thought. I walked towards the table and he caught up with long strides and walked next to me. Thankfully the walk to the table wasn't far so no small talk had to be made. We reached the table and I scanned it for something sweet.

"Have you tried the cherry torte?" he asked as he watched me.

"Yes, but I prefer desserts that are sweet all the way through."

"Chocolate?" he asked. I nodded in reply.

"Then try the chocolate truffle. It's very rich," he said as he picked up two plates of the chocolate dessert and handed me one.

"Thanks." We walked over to some chairs and sat down.

"So, how come I've never seen you before?" he questioned in between bites.

"You were probably distracted by something else," I retorted.

"Or preoccupied by duties. It is only my second year." He stared back at me.

"Yes, of course."

He finished his last bite of pie and set it down on the table next to him. "Now that you've had pie, would you like to dance?" He looked at me with some degree of intensity.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2012 ⏰

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