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Our world was still turning, she danced and spun around even when its inner lifeform was sucked into the darkness. It covered our Earth in an instant, like a light switch. We were all blind and mindlessly following our neighbors for comfort. We ran, tirelessly trying to grab anything that could ground us. It felt like we were all falling to something, without any warning or knowledge, our environment changed around us. That change yet took some years from us.

Our air, our scenery, the animals, and we the people, stood by the uncomfortable thought that led many of our innocent to their last rest. It's a disease, now, an incurable disease. It took over our DNA, minds, and our very existence of normalcy and created something new. This fact hung in our throats that was verbalized in wars that the government ran. These wars were not even wars, but genocide tactics to rid the diseased humans that roamed the streets. This failing government decision was their last attempt to create a divide between the changed and the rest. They wanted "order" and power.

Months later, a revolution started to form, and the goal was to get rid of these unlawful deaths and rigorous injustice. When they won against the government officials' crimes, it took two years to rebuild and design a fully functioning government system that made and enforced laws that give rights and protection to the minority of power-users. Soon the heads and officials were teeming with living power-users, and they created the immense and most dominant government system for the changed and the "normal." The ones who sparked this new government were the "Designers," as they redesigned a new world that fit them. But a government system will never become an absolute "fair government" for anyone. Soon there was a new group that voiced their grievances against this "great government" and revolted against its ideals. Their main cry of concern was about the poor and the sick who weren't provided with their human rights.

These two bickering sides fought and defended their beliefs for freedom and justice. This civil war between them created the divide that everyone feared, this divide was etched at the exact moment and spot. This group grew in forces as many deaths of the poor and sickly grew in by the thousands. In today's terms, they call themselves the "Converts."

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