Chapter 1

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Authors note

Hello guys! I hope you like my new story! This is basically going to be an adoption one direction story! One direction is not going to be in this first chapter because I want you to get to know Pearl a little bit first! I hope you like my first chapter I don't really know whether it's to long or to short, please comment whether you like it or if you have any suggestions! And don't forget to vote!

Rosie x

Pearls pov

My eyes dart around the room, it circles the old double cupboard the old yellow teddybear I got for my first birthday and the old photo of mum.

I pick up the photo. Mum looks so beautiful, she's got curly blonde hair, and a wide smile. She's holding me closely as if she would never let go. Except she did.

A tear leaks out of my left eye. I breath heavily and the photo fogs up. So does my mind. I can't remember mum. Sometimes a faint memory emerges, mum smiling mum laughing except I can never be sure whether I'm imagining it or not.

"Pearl Dinners up!" a loud voice outside my room yells. Lola my favorite care worker flops down beside me on my bed.

"Pearl you've been in here all day! Is something up do you want to talk about it?" She said. I shrug "nothing's up I just wanted to be on my own today that's all".

Lola nods and puts her arm around me "Are you still upset about the last fostering?" She asks.

I flinch and shake her arm off my back "NO" I yell "I AM NOT UPSET I NEVER WANT TO GO BACK THERE EVER AGAIN".

Lola looks shocked except she places a steady arm on my shoulder. She leans in closer to me, her hair tickles my cheek.

"Pearl it's okay, I'm not asking you to talk about your last foster care, I just think it would be better if you would at least open up about how your feeling" she said softly.

I bite my bottom lip, there is noway I am ever opening up about my last foster care there is a reason why I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to remember it.

"We'll think about it, and I'm always here if you want to talk about it" she says walking out of the room "please come down to dinner, I've made Macaroni cheese your favorite" She said hopefully.

I shrug "I'll think about it" I said.

I listen to the other kids thumping down the stairs and yelling, I listen to Lola serving dinner and the clatter of plates and cutlery. I don't know whether I should go downstairs or not.

I way up my options, this is a technique of deciding which way to go that I developed years ago. Been a kid in care usually there is a lot of difficult decisions that have to be made.

I think of all the reasons why I shouldn't go downstairs and eat dinner. 1. I don't want to have another discussion with Lola. 2. I don't want to talk to the other kids. 3. I just don't want to go down there.

I than think of reasons why I should go and eat dinner. 1. Macaroni cheese is my favorite meal. 2. I'm bored to tears. 3. I'm just so hungry. My stomach growls and I scent of macaroni cheese wafts up my nose. It's too bad I just have to get some of that macaroni and cheese.

I slip downstairs and into the kitchen. I keep my eyes down on the floor and I quickly slip into a seat.

"There she is" Mark the other care worker said. Lola gives me a a smile as if to say "I knew you would come downstairs". Mark gives me an extra big helping of macaroni and cheese.

I keep my eyes down on my plate and concentrate on spooning food into my mouth.

"You've nearly finished it already!" Lauren one of the other care kids says nodding at my plate.

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