Chapter 17: The dead spirit's past

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Well I think some of you guys are getting confused by now...

Soon you are going to start seeing this... *Luqiere's POV*

As Lucy is currently not herself I won't say *Lucy/Yume's POV*

And I bet you guys are wondering who is this Luquiere girl am I right?



*Luquiere's POV*

"I'm Luquiere... I'm a dead spirit..."

A dead spirit?

"Yes... and the reason why I keep doing this is because I went through the same experience as you did... and I don't want you to feel hurt..."


"You're a good girl. You are strong but...they just don't see it. And they even treated you like trash!"

B-but it's not his fault! Mira and Lisanna-

"Do you really believe them? What if they are lying to you?!"

They are not! I trust them! I trust Fairy Tail!

"Your trust is going to break soon. In this world you can only trust yourself. Everyone else are all liars."

No... Fairy Tail is different!

"Oh yeah? By how?"

They stick by you an they'll definitely lend you a helping hand when you need it... I love Fairy Tail. Please...please don't harm them.

"I'm so sorry..."


"I can't promise you that I won't harm them. You'll see... you'll see that I'm doing this all for your own good."

No please stop! You're only bringing pain To me!

"I'm not! As time goes'll realize that what I am doing is going to benefit you."


A day passed...

"Ugh... I'm so hungry..."

"You're not the only one."

Natsu and I have been walking through the forest since the morning and we were getting nowhere.

If only he wasn't such an idiot this wouldn't have happened!

"Hey... Yume is that someone's shadow...?" he asked me and I looked towards that direction.

"Yeah. Yuko! Gray!"

"Are you two injured anywhere?" Yuko asked.

"Nope I fine and so is Natsu but he gonna collapse from hunger soon."

"It's normal."

"Why are you limping? Are you injured?"

"I only scraped my knee it's not big deal."

"You did not only scrape it." Gray said.

"But I still can walk so I'm fine. Anyway we need to find the exit to this forest soon..."

"Natsu!" a voice echoed from above an we all directed our attention to the sky.

"Happy! Carla!" I shouted.

And they landed on the ground.

"We know the way out! Follow us!" Happy said.

And we slowly got out of the forest, the moment we stepped out of the forest Natsu collapsed yet again.


"I'm glad you guys are fine." Erza said.

"Wendy could you help Yuko heal her leg?"


*Yuko's POV*

"Thanks so much Wendy!"

"It's no problem!"

"Hey Erza are you injured anywhere?" I asked.

"Nope after all I am wearing an armor. Anyway let's go back to Fairy Tail they might be worried about us."

"But I'm hungry..." Natsu said.

"You can wait."

"We still have to take the train back Natsu." I said.

"Oh... crap..."


*Luquiere's POV*

It's fun being with them... but I must protect Lucy no matter what...


Sorry if you still don't understand!

You can ask me if you don't understand any part of the story!


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