Chapter 3

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  Out of every thing that could've happened today, Ryan wasn't expecting it to go this way. Here he was in the bathroom of a beat down bar with someone he met today. The two were in a corner of the bathroom where no one could see them, and Ryan was staring wide eyed as Micheal created a circle of dark red smoke around the two. Suddenly the only thing that Ryan could see was red smoke. Until it cleared.

  Looking around Ryan noticed that they were no longer in a run down bathroom but instead what looked to be a weird gym. A couple swords lined the wall closet to the two. And a number of weapons lined the one furthest to them. A long sythe stood out to Ryan as the most interesting. In fact Ryan was about to ask what happened when he was dragged out of the room and into a hallway. The duo made several twist and turns until they ended in what seemed to be a courtyard.

  There were several flowers of different shapes, colours, and sizes. And in the center was a big well. Next to the big well were two figures. They both had fairly tan skin, almost black brown hair, and sharp features. They looked like gods. Their stare told you that they could kill you in a heartbeat. A small, slim, cloaked figure stood in front of them.

  "Mom!" The three figures turned and looked at Micheal. Ryan was so confused. "Yes?" The dark haired woman spoke with such authority that it almost scared Ryan. Almost. "Can I speak with Omega? It's important." A moment of silence and then. "Wh-" "Why of course! In fact she was just leaving." The small cloaked figure, which happened to be a girl and presumably Omega, was cut of by the dark haired girl. But instead of being upset she was cut off the cloaked girl just walked over to the two.

  Upon closer inspection Ryan could see the features of the woman. She seemed frail. Her hair was greying even though she didn't loom that old. She was sickly pale though and her dull grey eyes showed no emotion. She seemed... familiar. "What do you want Micheal? Be quick. Please. I need to go." She spoke in a whisper and seemed to be on the verge of tears. "I found Ryan. Well I'm pretty positive I did." Micheal turned to a confused Ryan looking right back at him. "Here show her your wrists." "Why is everyone obsessed with my wrists." Ryan mumbled as he reluctantly showed another stranger his wrists. The woman held Ryan's hand with such a gentle touch he was almost unable to feel it. "Are these," the woman pointed to the symbols on his two wrists, "Are these tattoos?" "No ma'am." Ryan was uncomfortable. "My current parents think that when I was born, or at least very young, that my birth mom or dad put them there as a sick joke." The woman in front seemed a little offended. "Do you know who your birth parents Are? Who took you too the adoption center? How old were you when you got adopted? How had back can you remember?" A bombardment of questions escaped the woman's lips. "I-uhh well you see- ah. Hmm. I don't really know my birth parents but I remember a kid who used to babysit me-" "what did he look like?" The woman seemed desperate. "Uhh... the only thing I remember were horns- even though that seems weird it's no longer that weird since we got here through an old bar bathroom..." "Ryan. Does the name Daniel seem even just familiar?" Ryan didn't even need to think before he knew the answer. "Yes. Why?" A small smile etched it's way onto the woman's face. "I have one more test for you." With that the girl walked the two boys back to the strange gym.

  As the woman walked toward the sythe Ryan asked Micheal a question. "What the fuck is happening?" A giggle was his response. "That's Omega. She had a son named Ryan. I had to take care of him. He uhh... looked a lot like you." That answered. Almost nothing. But before Ryan could respond a quick "Catch" caught him off guard. The sythe from before was being thrown at him, as a sword was thrown at Micheal.

  "Umm Omega. I can't-" "You will not hurt the boy. Just test his ability. This is the only way I can know for certain." And even though every part of Micheal's body told him not to swing, he swung the sword straight towards Ryan's stomach. To everyone's surprise a thump was heard, and when looking over, Micheal saw that Ryan had blocked his attack. So, he attacked again, and again, and again. Every time Micheal swung the sword Ryan blocked it. Finally. Micheal took one final swing towards Ryan's head, Ryan lifting the sythe and blocking the attack. The boys backed away from each other, Ryan looked like he just won the lottery. "I... didn't know I could do that." He spoke in a whisper as he was quickly embraced by Omega, the two talking. One confused and one teary-eyed.

  Micheal looked towards the exit. Wondering if he should go tell his mom the good news, but instead he was met with disappointing eyes. His mom stood there. She held so much power that it would probably scare the strongest man alive. But to Micheal she was just his mom, and now she stood staring at him with a frown on her face. She watched the two fight and was probably upset about how her son couldn't even put a scratch on the kid. No son of the Alphas' should ever lose a battle.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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