Pickpocket Chapter 3

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 " Mmmm.. breakfast" Pickpocket says, " this berry is delicious."

 " it will hopefully last a while," ryu replies" it is as big as my head!"

 Suddenly there was a loud crash,followed by shouts of terror.

 "We should go check it out" Ryu says. 

 So Ryu and Pickpocket rush over to the sound of the uproar,seeing a injured Eevee."oh no", "is she alright"  is muttered around the crowd.

 "What happened here?" Pickpocket asks.

 A Deerling says, "she was on the run from a gang of murkcrow when she fell off the roof." 

 "Should we help her out?" Pickpocket asks Ryu

 "Yes, I think we should" Ryu replies


                             New Chapter (Yay!), sorry it took so long. between, school, homework, basketball, and studying, i barley had any time to work on my book, on weekends i either forgot or was to exhausted to work on it. if it is a short chapter sorry

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