Part 7

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Short After Lilac Joined Their Group, They Came Across A Peddling Salesmon.

" Berries, Potions, Items... I Got Em' All!!!!" The Gurdurr says.

 Pickpocket Nods At Ryu.

" Alright Lilac... Let's Test Your Skills As a thief" Pickpocket says.

"uh... ok " Lilac says nervously.

"Ryu... Do Your Thing..." Pickpocket says. 

Ryu walks up to the Gurdurr and says" What else do you sell?"

"Ah... a costumer!...finally!"..."I knew that sometime soon that this "Job" would Work out..."

Oblivious to the eevee sneaking up behind him, the Gurdurr started to bla

-ther on about the uses of his items. 

Silent as a dark type, Lilac steals all the pokecoins that he has in his tent. as lilac slowly slinks away, Ryu Says..." Nevermind... i don't want to buy anything right now.

"oh..." Gurdurr Said Disappointed 



Lilac,Ryu, And Pickpocket are counting the pokecoins that they stole from the Gurdurr.

 "27... 28... 29..30..." Pickpocket Counts Out." Nice... and we still have more! 

"uh... Pickpocket... aren't we a little too close to the Starter Squad building?" Ryu says

" Uh... Nah... they won't find us  in this cave."

 "but the  forest is near their base!"

" I do want to rob that place sometime though..."

 "Are  You Crazy!?" Ryu and Lilac Say in unison. 

"Imagine the money and items they have in there..." Pickpocket says Dreamily 

"Well... are you guys up to it?"

"...Uh... not right now Pickpocket..." Ryu Says, " they Just spotted  Pulse near their HQ... security Would be at a Maximum to make sure that he wouldn't Kill anyone. After all he is a murderer of a lot of Pokemon."

Suddenly Lilac Began to look very sad and a little scared." If Pulse is there... i don't want to go there." 

 "Why?" Pickpocket asks 

" well you see... my Parents were some of the mon who were murdered by Pulse... and I want revenge on that sick monster... if i see him... i don't think i will be able to keep my anger in if i see Pulse." Lilac Replies.

" Don't worry we wont do it yet..." Pickpocket says." soon though"
"Let's go scout the perimeter guys."


                                 Pulse Does Not Belong To Me, Neither Does The Starter Squad. 

 Pulse Belongs to @thefiveanimals, and the Starter Squad Belongs to @Pikagirl1527

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