Chapter 1

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'Flowers, quite obviously, are beautiful and hold a mystique with each individual petal. It's like nature's fingerprint translated into a powerful but delicate bundle of life.
'Hinata-kun, do you like flowers?'
Komaeda twisted his body around, flinging his arms into a laid back pose.

Hajime gulped. He glanced at his own reflection in the wavering pool. He was an unstable, drilled, coffee drinker with untidy hair and a scrunched outfit. Fucking excellent.
But not even a mind controlled toy that was forced to play a sick game (all for the purpose of bringing him back from the brink of despair), was prepared for what Komaeda's mental instability had in store today.
Hinata had been strolling past on his way to Jabberwock island's supermarket to pick up a movie when the concept of Komaeda wriggled its way into his mind.
Since escaping the Neo-World program all of its participants eventually woke up from their comas, one by one using the manipulation technique Naegi had used to invade his way inside. One by one they all woke up, simply accepting how life had dealt with them and moved on. Soon only one sleeping body remained: unmoved, stone cold, almost dead.
Nagito Komaeda's
Naturally after all the bullshit Komaeda had put the cast through, Hinata traditionally was supposed to despise his guts. But still: he had that curious five lettered question that needed to be fulfilled.
Why can't I understand him?
No one else on the island ever tried to collect his hope fragments or befriend him. Nevermind that it, it looked like no one had treated him with anything other than disgust. So exploring this boy was like sand slithering through his fingers. Throughout his infatuation he took on the role of becoming his caretaker, always there beside him to comfort and hold his frozen hand. A sprout of dangerous jealousy coursed through him when he looked into Komaeda's dreams to discover he had taken no importance in his minds world. It angered him to think that after Komaeda had confessed such intimate  things about his life he had chosen to exclude him.
Maybe it was for the better.
Whenever Hinata would play with his knotted hair and just plainly stare at the utter tranquility in Komaeda's face, it would make his heart palpate into pain.
Then one day, he just woke up.
Silenced and surprised.
'Hinata-kun, where- what?' Instead of responding he just blushed like a damned fool. After Komaeda started panicking so he brushed away whatever that was and hurried over to help him start his adjustment.

The sunlight blinding him tore the day-dream away.
As if time itself had interpreted his invested fantasies, he gazed over to what might've been heaven.
Trekking forward, he viewed upon a relaxing (rare) sight of Komaeda tending to the weeds. An almost motherly vibe shone out of him as he stroked the leaves slowly up and down. From the distance he was at, Hinata could hear encouraging whisperings of 'may your hope grow stronger' to the more withered plants afterwards gently settling the roots back in position.
He hadn't seen Komaeda like this before, so serene but absorbed in something he showed signs of being fond of. Every once in a while he would peer over a matured book patterned with intricately drawn designs. His fingers played with his lips while he passionately studied the book compared to the shrub in his hand. Once satisfied with his observation, Komaeda would softly give it back to the ground and then spring back up his hair swaying carelessly. In Hinata's opinion the absent of murder and garbage talk was a blessing and he didn't want to disturb this visual utopia. His helplessness of being about contain his excitement was almost adorable. This most certainly brought a smile to Hinata's lips.
Hinata tried to lean on the wall stealthily, thinking that his watching position was plausible when he had heard: 'Hinata-Kun, do you like flowers?'
Instantly Hinata's face lit on fire, followed by a jolt of sweat.
'I-um' his voice hitched, 'Do you mean in general or if I have a favourite?'
Komaeda placed the book down, hushed. 'I mean do you have a personal favourite. I could be able to raise it but- ah! With the luck of talking to you it might weigh out the chances of it even blooming." His face tightened quizzically.
Hinata almost cringed at the self-depreciating comment. Komaeda would usually give such a kind, innocent offer but then he would spoil it with his acidic self hatred.
Hinata face palmed himself softly and approached Komaeda himself.
'Instead of playing in the hands of luck why don't you, well, just go for it? See how it turns out.'
Komaeda's eyebrows knitted together, looking at Hinata's face wondrously.
Eventually, his face softened while he murmured, 'Its not that simple, Hinata-kun. The wavelengths of my hope and despair are always bending erratically and not even I, a contender of this torture, has even figured the pattern yet.' He hid his face after whirring around to find out he knocked a plant pot over.
Promptly, he bent over and grabbed at the shards with a stiffened gasp. He let them run through his fists, blood ebbing through his skin.
Hinata leaped forwards down on his knees next to the other boy, roughly brushing the shards back on the ground. His body clumsy leant coward to grab the first aid kit on the inner wall and unraveled the bandages alongside with hydrogen peroxide. Underneath him Komaeda tensely shaked so Hinata flashed his eyes up at him. Once that first tear rolled down it seemed a stream had burst. His free hand clawed at a deep scar on his thigh as if he was trying to rip the first few centre meters of his flesh off. Pinning the unfinished bandage together, Hinata caressed at his cheek earning a flinch with a jerk away from him.
'Before you say anything, it wasn't you. Looking at all the flowers around us plenty more can grow. Come on shh- now, it's okay'.
He edged his way back over to Komaeda again slowly wrapping his arms around him. Hinata thought of retreating since hanging there was kinda embarrassing but soon Komaeda fell forward and returned the hug with might.
'Y-you don't understand what it meant to me! The sunflower, it was-'Komaeda cried.
Hinata harshly pulled him back into the hug, finger on his lip.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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