The Night Before the Long Trip

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It was 5:00 p.m, Vanessa had just set the table for dinner, her last dinner with her family. Vanessa and her best friend, Jessica, we're moving to California the next day. She was excited and upset at the same time. They were having her favorite dinner, lasagna and garlic sticks. Her mom made the best home made lasagna she's ever had. After Vanessa had set the table, she went back into her room and checked her phone. She has a message from Jessica, which said "Hey I can't wait for tomorrow! Don't forget anything, it's a 7 hour flight! See you tomorrow!". Vanessa hooked up her phone and walked into the living room with her brother and sister and parents and waited for dinner to be done. Her mom would occasionally get up and check it to make sure it was done. 30 minutes later the food was done and they all sat at the table and talked about how much they'll miss Vanessa. Vanessa loved her family a lot, they made her mad most of the time, but she loved them. After dinner, it was around 6:24 p.m, Vanessa went into her room and finished packing her things up and made sure she didn't forget anything. After she was done, she went outside with her her brother and sister and played with them. Soon enough it was 9:30 so they came back in and brushed their teeth and went to bed. Vanessa had texted Jessica and told her she was going to bed and she had packed everything and to remind her to wake up at 6:00 am.

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