The Exciting Day

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Today was the day. She was leaving her family, she was going with her best friend to fulfill their dream. They've dreamed of this since 6th grade. It was going to happen. Vanessa woke up at 5:30. Double checked to make sure she had everything. She was positive she had everything. She got ready, brushed her teeth, got her outfit on, and brushed her hair. Jessica was coming to pick her up at 7:00 a.m. Before that, Vanessa had said goodbye to her family. They wished her the best of luck. She gave them big hugs and said she loved them a lot and she would visit as soon as possible. Soon enough it was 7:00 a.m. Jessica had honked her car horn outside of Vanessa's house. Vanessa had told her family she loved them one more time and her dad helped bring her stuff to the car. They waved goodbye as the car drove off. They were headed to the airport. The drive there was about an hour, and their flight was at 9:00 a.m. So that gave them an hour to do whatever they needed to. They got there at 8:11 a.m which gave them 49 minutes to eat and find their gate to board the plane. They ate breakfast at Wendy's. They had pancakes and sausage. It was 8:45 a.m and they had 15 minutes to find their gate to board the plane. They found it and boarded the plane. They sat near the back of the plane. Vanessa was exhausted because she never wakes up that early so she fell asleep right after the plane took off. Jessica on the other hand was used to waking up early so she stayed awake. It was a 7 hour flight so they had a whole until they reached California. Vanessa woke up 2 hours into the flight and was hungry so she pulled out some snacks and started eating them. Jessica had fallen asleep by the time Vanessa woke up. Soon enough the plane landed and they were there. It was 1 p.m there and the sky was clear and it was beautiful out of the window. They got off the plane and headed to their apartment.

The Dream of Two Best FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now