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It was around 1:00 p.m in LA and Vanessa and Jessica had an Uber take them to their apartment. They had been to California before, to find the apartment they were going to stay at until they had enough money to get a car and a nice house. They got to their apartment and dropped their things off. Vanessa wanted to go around town and possibly go shopping. Jessica agreed to go to the mall with her. They also had an Uber take them to the mall. When they got there they headed to a random shop and just looked at things. Two cute boys walked in and looked over at them. They walked over and started a conversation with Vanessa and Jessica. One boy started talking and said "Are you girls sisters?" The girls replied with "No, we just moved here, we're best friends". The boys asked for their number and they gave it to them. After the girls went to a few shops they went to the grocery store to grab a few groceries and head home. When they got home they ate and after a few hours of talking they got a text from the guys they had met at the mall. They were texting for hours until they fell asleep. They had all planned to meet up at a restaurant tomorrow for lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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