Part 2

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He finally came upon the tower but the voice was no longer to be heard and he was disappointed. He decided that he would find out who she was no matter what. He came back the next day and the day after that and the day after that but to no avail. There was no sound nor sight of her.

One day, he was waiting in the cover of the forest and just as he was about to head back home, Medecka came to the tower and called up.

"Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Let down you hair!'

And he saw a long rope of golden braided hair descend from the window of the tower. He took the chance to look up towards the window and when he saw her he was mesmerised. One look and he felt that the world had collapsed around him. He had fallen in love with her. He watched as Medecka climbed up and his eyes widened with shock as Medecka inflicted pain on Rapunzel for begging Medecka to let her leave the tower.

Day after day, he watched the tower until he decided that the could wait no longer to make himself known to her. So he did as the witch had done many times before.

"Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Let down your hair!"

And so Rapunzel let down her hair without thinking that the voice that spoke these words was different than the voice of the witch. She had such a fright when he stepped in through the window.. She expected Medecka but got this handsome stranger who looked sorry he had scared her. He spoke in a hushed voice, telling her that she need not be afraid for he meant her no harm. Rapunzel felt somehow that he could be trusted.

The man introduced himself as Cedric d'Canto. He realised she did not know who he was because she took no notice of his royal last name.She shyly asked him to sit. Cedric told her how he had come to know of her and complimented her voice.

Cedric felt comfortable with her, he need not hide what he wished to say or what he felt with polite words and insincere smiles. He was freed in a way that could not be explained by this girl who was trapped herself. She too felt free when he came to talk to her and as the days went by she seemed to glow with a certain ethereal quality like she was not completely of this world.

Cedric found himself more in love with Rapunzel, He loved the way she smiled, the way she was so innocent, the way she would think about the things he said and give her own opinions. When she was excited, she would have a fiery spark in her eyes as she spoke her mind. Cedric could see the difference between the Rapunzel he had seen all those days ago and the Rapunzel she was when he was with her.

She had a gift of influencing others to feel what she felt and Cedric knew she was no ordinary girl and if the fact that Medecka had locked her up did not reveal it as such, Rapunzel's very being did.

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