She Likes me, Right?

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Hello my little directioners! Sorrry to keep everyone waiting and you know.. stuff. AAAnnnywwwayyy, I was wondering if you guys wanted me to do any competitions and stuff like that. I f you do, leave your ideas in the comment box below please! Also today is friday and I start school on Monday, now im not sure if im gonna be writing more or less because afterschool i have swimming and then dance and then homework! Ahhhhh! It depends on how many readers are dedicated! So I think I'll start making vote requirments! the vote requierment for this chapter is...10! just to start of small. Oh and by the way this is an alternate universe where the boys dont have girlfriends. So i guess this is the end my rant soo, yea ENJOY!


"Nnnoothhhhiiinnnggg!" I drawled, pecked her on the cheek and ran. Ever since my breakup with Elenor, every girl that made a move towards me automaticaly annoyed me.

But surprisingly Michelle hasn't even made a move towards any of us and I can't help but fall for her. I'm a bit worried about liam, since he's been making eyes at her since she got here, but I am determined to win her over! Because I am... SUPERMAN!!!

I then followed her into Victoria Secrets and decided to charm her with my humor, I picked up the frilliest bra I could  find and tied it to my face,

"I'm a bug!" I yelled while running around and I heard her laugh. Satisfied, I was about to stop when i felt a hard wall connect with nose and I fell to the floor laughing even though it hurt,

"That hurts!" I howled,

"That really does hurt!" I stated loudly while laughing. After we had stopped laughing I took her hand and she blushed. Its working! I thought to myself.

We walked out and met up with the boys when we heard a peircing scream,

"OMG! ARE YOU ONE DIRICTION!?" she squealed and looked over at Michelle giving her a dirty look,




I put my arm around Michelle protectivley and she tensed up, I ignored it and looked the girl up and down.

"Yeah," I said, flipping my hair, "You want something?" I questioned.

"Can I get a picture!?" she squealed, the confusion disappered from her face.

"You can get an autograph." I stated and lazily signed a random peice of paper she had and walked away with my arm still around Michelle.

"Woah, Lou!" Harry laughed,

"What did the poor girl ever do to you!?"

"Nothing." I said, winking at Michelle,

she blushed.

I had to stop myself from doing a fist pump and almost didn't notice Harry tense up. Don't tell me he likes her too! Not that its that big of a surprise, Harry hits on every good-looking girl he lays eyes on! But this time it's my turn wether he likes it or not. Because she likes me, right?


What is wrong with me! I scream to myself. I never liked One Direction, so why am I now obsessing over one of them. I never really even look at louis, and his perfect face and perfect eyes and perfect..

Wait what am I saying! I sigh in frustration and plop down on my bed. I was drifting off to sleep when I heard a knock on my door,

"Come in!" I said. The door opened a crack and Liams face popped in and i smiled,

"Uhh, h-hi" he stuttered.

"Hi," I sighed.

"Uhh, none of the boys wanted to watch watch Toy Story 3 with me so I was wondering if maybe you wanted to?" The last part came out in a rush and I smiled at how cute he sounded.

"sure!" i said and he sighed in relief. Does he like me? I pushed the thought away and followed him downstairs.

I sat down on the couch and he hesitantly sat on the other side of the couch awkwardly. I giggled and patted the spot next to me. He smiled weakly and shuffled closer to me. I rested my head on his shoulder and he tensed up but then relaxed. What is up with him? I ignored it and tried to keep my eyes open but finally gave in when All the toys were busting out of Sunnyside.

I woke up on my bed tucked in under the covers and smiled.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen and was greeted by squirt of whipped cream in my face.

"What the hell is going on in here!?" I yelled and all the boys froze. 

"It was Harry!" They all yelled at the same time. 

I looked over at Harry and almost laughed when I saw his face and hair was all cover in flour and pancake batter.

"We were trying to make pancakes?" He said but it sounded more like a question.

"Well then," I said "Let me help you with that I took the whip crteam out of his hand and sprayed it right in his face.

"Done!" I said triumphantly.

"FOR NARNIA!!" Louis yelled and tackeled me to the floor throwing pancake batter whip cream and flour all over the kitchen and soon enough the boys joined in and the kitchen ended up being dusted in flour with splashes of pancake batter and whip cream. 

"Well," I said "Have fun cleaning that up!" I yelled before running upstairs to take a shower and unpack.

After I had finished everything I went downstairs to see that the boys hadn't even cleaned half the kitchen yet.

"Im Hungry!" Said Niall in a whiney tone.

I rolled my eyes and started helping the boys until the kitchen was all cleaned up.

"So," Said Zayn, "Who wants to watch a horror movie!?" 

"No." Harry and I said at the same time and Zayn pouted.

"Don't worry, Love!" Said Louis slinging an arm around me. "I'll protect you!" I felt Liam tense up next to me and I frowned.

"Fine!" I said,

"Yay!" Said Zayn kissing me on the cheek. I scrunched up my face and everyone laughed.

Zayn popped the goriest horror movie into the DVD player and i spent the entire movie with my head hidden in the crook of louis neck.

When it was finally over, stood shakily and Liam rushed over to help me up before Louis had the chance to.

We all walked over to the kitchen,

"That was horrible." I Breathed.

After I calmed down I went up to my room and I heard Louis scream from downstairs,


Oh joy. This will be fun.

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