Meeting The Boys

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Sorry it took me so long to update but here it is! hope you like it! love you all!


After a long awkward ride, we arrive at the boy's flat. I step out of the limo and take a deep breath,

This is not happening i think to myself.

I walk up to the door and Simon pushes it open, I sit on the couch nervously tapping my foot when a flash of stripes runs out fro what i think is the kitchen and sits next to me,

"Hi!" he bubbles,

"Hi," I breathed, he was absolutely gorgeous, he was wearing a white and blue striped shirted suspenders and red jeans, beautiful green eyes and lightly tousled hair,

"Do you like carrots!? I like carrots! Please tell me you like carrots!" he yelled, pulling me out of my train of thought,

"Umm yeah, i guess?" i stuttered.

"I like this one!" he screamed and i blushed.

"Boys!" he yelled.

All at once the boys came stumbling down the steps,

"Vas Happenin'?" Said Zayn, I giggled.


Hey" Said Liam and Niall, and last came the obnoxiously gorgeous, Harry Styles.

When he saw me he raised his eyebrows,

"Hey" he said flirtatiously.

I rolled my eyes, and he looked confused,

"Uhhh why isn't she fangirling?"

"I'm doing this as a favor to my friend, so dont get any ideas, Curly." I snapped.

Well, that got a chorus of 'OOOHHHHH's from the boys, I smirked when I saw Harry's surprised face.

"So, what are we gonna do all week?" I asked.

"LETS GO SHOPPING!" Louis yelled.

"Oh," I said embaressed, "I-I dont have any money." i said quietly.

"Don't worry love!," said Liam in his cute british accent,

putting an arm around me and dragging me out the door,

"Its on us!"

"Ohh I can't take any money from you guys." I stuttered.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Yelled Louis, 

"After all, we are ONE DIRECTION!"

After some convincing, they pushed me into the limo.

"Soo where are we going?"

"Westfield!" said Niall,

Once we arrived I shyly stepped out of the car and into the mall.

"Come on what are you waiting for, lets go!" Screamed Louis, and pulled me by the arm and into a random store.

"Here try this on!," "and this, and this, this, this, and this!" He said throwing dresses in my direction.

I ran into the nearest dressing and picked through the dresses, i didn't really like any of them, one had stripes all over it, another was a extremely short dress, obviously Harry's idea and some weird lacey dress.

At the bottom of the pile was a simple torquise dress with lace at the top.

I stepped out to look at myself in the mirror, i had to say i was pretty satisfied. I opened the door to the dressing room to change back,

"HI!" screamed Louis,

"Ahhhh!" I screamed,

"You scared me! What are you doing in here?!" 

Noooottttthhhhiiinnngg!!" He dralwed, pecked me on the cheek and ran.

I blushed and touched the spot were he kissed me.

A loud wolf whistle snapped me back to reality. I turned to see Harry standing outside the open door with his eyebrows raised.

"Uggh!" I groaned and slammed the door shut.

Once I had changed out of my dress, and, with a lot of arguing, got the dress.

We stepped out of the store and I went into Victora Secrets, I laughed when louis followed and picked up a lacy bra and tied it to his face,

"IM A BUG!" He yelled and I cracked up, when he bumped into a wall.

"OOWWWW! that hurts! That really does hurt!" 

I laughed until my sides hurt and decided not to buy anything especially with Louis around.

We stopped at a few more stores and then decided to leave,

"OMG!!! ARE YOU ONE DIRECTION!?!?" A girl shrieked peircing my ears.

She looked at me and gave me a dirty look. Louis protectively wrapped an arm around me.

"Yeah," He said coldly, "You want something?"

Is he actually protecting me? This is not happening.

"Can I have a picture!?" 

"You can get an autograph." He stated plainly. The boys signed apiece of paper she had and she left.

Woah Lou! What did the poor girl ever do to you!?" said Harry laughing.

"Nothing." he said winking at me. I blushed.

What is wrong with me!

We entered their flat and i went upstairs to the guest room.


Louis seemed pretty pissed when that girl looked at Michelle like that. I wonder if he likes her.

I know i do.

But she hates me, why do all the girls I really like hate me? Maybe because she's not one of the fake blonde bimbos i date, Michelle's different. She barley wears any make-up and she so modest, But its too late anyway, she already has her eye on Louis and he probably likes her too.


I finally updated yay!! Sorry i havent updated sooner my computer was being a poop >:( 



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