*gets a notification and realizes that I got tagged again* Me:*inhale**exhale* Brain:*Unholy screaming* Random Person:*breaks down my bedroom door and are holding weapons* Does this mean war. Me:No, we are not resorting to violence and you better put my door back. Brain: WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Random Person: Awwwwwwwwwwww :C *walks away sad* Me:*cri*
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You don't have to do this one! EVEN THOUGH IT SAYS THAT YOU GUYS DON'T DESERVE MY FRIENDSHIP!! WE WILL STILL REMAIN FRIENDS!!!!!!!! We can all sit in the Forever Alone Corner if we aren't doing this, but QueenofDerpyPotatoes you are doing the tag, because you tagged me so yeah. Tagging these people: @Everyone who follows/supports me, BUT you don't have to do it. I don't want people triggered.