Currently: ..............Crying from Joy

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So, I decided to check out my old chapters on this book. Just to see how much I improved and I come across the chapter called "..." and I look at it

" and I look at it

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and then I check now

I am going to be barfing up rainbows for a whole month now

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I am going to be barfing up rainbows for a whole month now.

FRIGIN! THIS STORY THAT I CRINGE AT (not the art. The art is beautiul, but my old comments about the art like the opinions I stated) GOT 13k (around) READS AND 502 VOTES IN A MONTH (Well around)!!! I HAVE NO WORDS TO SAY!

I want to do like a gift for you guys, but since I've run out of ideas (and I am a poor af). All I can do is just say thank you. My mind is blown. I love how much support you guys gave me through the evolution of this "story" and this account (I don't really classify my stories as real stories. i find them all cringy even when it's recent). How you guys helped me out when I felt sad. Its makes me happy. No, beyond god lvl. happy. I am happy that I made this account and when I was able to get through some drama, thanks to you guys.

I never knew that this would actually happen. I was only expecting only a few hundred reads on this story, but you guys managed to pass that, but I don't feel exactly close to happy. I am happy that you guys gave me the support, but this is like a scale.

Basically (as I am trying to explain it), you guys are the right side of the scale. Your support is about 5,000,000,000 lbs. While at my end, I have nothing but saying thanks and some other dumb stuff. So, I am going to balance everything out. I try to post as much as often, but I don't think thats enough. I want to be a person to who people will be happy about, but I can't reach those limits. I can only do so much that I don't want to live with the guilt that I'm not giving you guys much back.

So, yeah. From now on I will stop slacking and do all the requests and post as much as often. While, try and do all my projects and homework. It may put some stress on me, but hey. Being stressed about publishing new chapters, while doing school projects and homework is better then feeling guilty on not being active much on posting new chapters.

I know that you guys might not enjoy hearing some of my blabbering on how guilty I am, but I'm just letting you guys have a peek on what happens behind all the masks I've been wearing and chapters I've been publishing

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