Chapter 6: Nice to Meet You

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Skylar began making her way to the beautiful building in front of her. She had never seen anything so beautiful, and that was saying a lot, because she had seen what her mother and her elves could accomplish. There were 4 huge pillars holding up the front enterence, and 6 puller on either side of a long hallway past the opening of the building. Skylar nearly stopped in her tracks when she saw a statue inbetween one of the pillars in the hallway. It was her, as far as she could tell, she was hand and hand with her mother. They were surrounded by grass, her mother has a calm care free expression on her face, while Skylars was full of curiosity as she pointed at something only the statue of her could see. She gulped, she didn't know she had a statue of her, well.... it was her, but when she was 5. There were other statues of gods and Demi-gods inbetween the pillars. But it looked like someone took their time in carving out her statue. It almost looked like the statue would move, it was so life like, and scary. "Move it girly," growled Aurther as he pushed her forwards. Skylar didn't respond, she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of a comeback. He scowled, clearly upset he didn't get to her. Jonathan turned around and grabbed Skylars hand and pulled her next to him. "Are you ok? He didn't hurt you did he?" Skylar almost laughed, "No, relax, you can't hurt me that easily. Plus I wouldn't give him the pleasure of seeing me annoyed," she snickered. She could practically feel Aurther's eyes burning into the back of her skull. 

After walking for a minute or so, they came upon a throne with a tall, slender woman sitting in it. Her face was unreadable, shoulders broad, and a gentle gleam in her eyes that matched her smile. "Hello Joanathan, Alvin, and what do I owe the pleasure to?" She smiled. Everyone around her bowed or curtsied, Skylar bent down into an ungrateful curtsie, her face aflame. She had never learned how to address a king or queen, so when she was the last one to bow, Alvin sent her a sympathetic look. "Oh please, there is no need for that," the queen smiled, "You should know you don't have to address me in that way, we are friends after all."

 Queen Sylvia shifted her eyes to Skylar, her own gaze held Skylars. She staired at Skylar like she was trying to figure out her deepest darkest secret. Skylar shuttered. "Oh, I don't believe we have meet before, who might you be?" "I am Skylar Oakheart, it's a pleasure to meet you your highness." "Oh please," the queen laughed, "The pleasure is all mine." She they stood up and walked over to Joanathan, who stood up straight, looking her directly in the eyes. "Lady Sylvia, we have come to address the bandit problem and the lack of trading that has been going on between our villages. We would like to know if the bandits have been attacking your villagers carts, if so then we might need to figure out a way to take them out, or choose a new trade route." The queen eyes drooped, all life in her eyes gone. Skylar was taken aback by the suddden change in the atmosphere. She could practically feel the dread flowing of Sylvia, and it made her think back to the bandit who attacked her when she first started out. Could he have been apart of the so called bandit bunch Jonathan was talking about...? "This is a matter we should discuss in private, Luke, you stay here, the rest of you are free to explore the town while Jonathan, Luke, and myself discuss this matter."

 Suddenly Aurther shouted out, "Hang on! Why do they get to stay and I have to go!" Skylar snickered at his childless, while Aurther shot her one of the dirties look she had ever seen. "Aurther, we have been over this... you are not a head guard. Now go. That's an order." Aurther shut his mouth, and bowed slightly, as did everyone else. Then the remaining group left the palace halls. 

Back outside, Skylar started up at the sun, "It's mid day," she concluded, speaking to no one in particular. "Wow I'm surprised you can see," sneered Aurther. Skylar rolled her eyes once again ignoring him, and began to make her way over to Storm. Suddenly she was stopped when she ran to what she thought was a wall. When she looked up she was greeted by Authers angered gaze. She jumped back a good 3 feet before collecting her composure. "It's rude to ignore someone when they are talking to you." "Well it's rude to insult people," she rifled back. "Honestly, I don't underestand how anyone could put up with you, I mean all you've been is rude to me since I've gotten here." Aurther's gaze wavered a bit before he frowned at her. "Well maybe if you weren't so annoying I wouldn't have to insult you." "Well maybe if you were a bit nicer people would like you!" "Who said people didn't like me! People probably don't like you, with your whinny attitude and stupid smirk." Skylar started at him in shock. Was this guy for real! She barely said 2 words to the guy and he was accusing HER of all these things! That was rich. She the stalked past him and down the road to Storm.

 "Geez Storm, you wouldn't believe the nerve of some people!"she ranted. Storm just looked at her, he snorted and trotted away to graze in some nearby grass. "Ummm excuse me, don't give me that attitude mister! I am NOT annoying, you're  annoying," she shouted at the horse. A few people stopped and started at her as if she had lost it. Skylars face heated up and she turned away from the small crowd of people that had gathered. She looked for an escape and found one. There was a small cafe that had her name written all over it. "Well I do deserve a treat," she uttered. With that she skipped towards the cafe,  without bothering to look back at the crowd or Storm. But her mind traveled back to what Aurther said, was she actually annoying and all... She really hoped not. She frowned at the thought but descided to push it to the back of her head for now.

A/N: Oof it's been a while since I ave posted. So here's a long chapter as a welcome back gift to y'all!

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