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"happy birthday!" Taehyung told me and handed me a small box

"what's this? are you proposing?" I asked jokingly

"open it!" He said excitedly I chuckled and opened it

it was beautiful

it was a necklace

with our initials into it

KTH~PMR (Park Min Rae)

I smiled widely as he took it from my hand and put it around my neck

but then I remembered something

"Taehyungie" I said and he looked at me

"hm?" he asked and sat next to me

"they say that if you give a lover a necklace or bracelet......" I traced afraid of his reaction

he just looked at me wanting me to continue

"they say that if it breaks....... the relationship also breaks" I said and he just chuckled

"you believe that stuff? that won't ever happen! never! let's show them that we can live the rest of our lives still holding hands" He said and I smiled

I'm gonna be extra careful with this necklace

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