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"aishhhhhhhhhhh what do I do??? where the heck is it?? ughhh!!!!" I exclaimed looking for the necklace that Taehyung gave me 5 months ago

"eotteoke?" I asked as if I can find an answer

where did I leave it?

I just went to work

and then went home

but then I stayed at the park for a bit


wasn't there a man looking at me earlier?

he had a mask on

"FUCK" I screamed slouching on the couch

"he stole it" I said and started to tear up

"he must've took it while I dozed off! he-he took it when I was waiting for Taehyung!" I exclaimed putting my hands on my head and ruffling my hair

I was angry I was sad I was scared

I'm scared

what if our relationship gets affected?

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