12 1 0

I am now sitting on the couch in front of the guys.

"Hey Y/n, what happened to your blue hair?" Hoseok asked me.

"I'm gonna dye it back tomorrow."

Yoongi walked in.

"Hey Y/n, you should wear makeup more often, you looked nicer today," Yoongi said.

I broke the mug that was sitting on the table with my telekinesis, luckily it was empty.

"OH MY HOLY SHIT!" Jungkook cursed.

"What the fuck was that?!" Jimin asked.

I merely cleared my throat before getting up and walking away.

I went up to the mirror in my room and the roots of my hair started turning blue again.

"Ok, my hair should be back to normal in a couple seconds," I said to myself.

Wait a second I hear something.

"Don't tell anyone I told you this but Y/n has these crazy powers!" Taehyung told the guys.

I teleported and pinned him down.

"I TOLD YOU YOU'D BE DEAD MEAT IF YOU TOLD ANYONE!" I said, holding my hand against his neck.

The guys were trying to pull me off but I was too strong, I wouldn't budge.

They gave up after a while and I got off of Taehyung.

I turned to look at the guys.

Two minutes have already passed, they'll remember me teleporting if I try to erase their memory.

I picked up my least favorite mug from the cupboards and held it in front of their faces.

"If you tell a single soul, you will become like this mug," I threatened.

"You mean ugly?" Hoseok sassed.

"You will be after I do this to you," I said with a wink. But when I winked, the mug broke into pieces but I kept the pieces held up in the air as I put my hand down.

"Got it?" I asked them.

They all nodded.

"Good," I said, and took a big piece of the glass and threw it at Taehyung with my powers since he elevated himself on his elbows.

The piece cut his cheek and I threw the other pieces away with my telekinesis and teleported back to my room.

I ended up in front of my mirror.

"Oh ok, my hair is back to normal."

- - -

I had been in my room since the incident that happened downstairs.

I was doing my homework, but I had my eyes crossed half of the time, looking for other people's answers with my telepathy.

You may be wondering why I'm cheating.

But in reality, I'm really not.

I'm using other people's answers to answer the questions on my paper so I don't stand out with incredibly high grades or low grades. I want to be somewhere in between so I won't stand out.

I could finish all of this in just a few seconds, but I have to keep everything "normal".

I'm on the last question for science.

The answer's A but I guess I could go with C.

I put my stuff away and decided I wanted to relax.

I put on my two piece swimsuit and grabbed a towel from the bathroom.

I walked downstairs to see the guys still here and sitting on the couch.

I could already hear it from upstairs but they're watching porn.

"Oh wow," I scoffed when I walked in, immediately walking outside so I could chill in the pool.

I sat my stuff down and jumped in.

I immediately sank to the bottom.

Good thing I can breathe under water.

I just stayed there and closed my eyes with my knees hugged against my chest.

A couple seconds later, I heard some one jump into the pool.

I opened my eyes when someone tugged in my arm.

I went up to the surface of the water.

"What? Did mom call me?" I asked Taehyung. He was the one who pulled me up.

I can't use my telepathy under water.

One of the reasons why I'm glad we have a pool here now.

"No, but are you ok?! You've been down there for an hour!" Yoongi answered.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said as I lifted myself out of the water.

I sat on the edge on used my feet to play with the water as I put my long, blue hair that was now wet over my right shoulder.

I looked at the sky and admired how it was turning purple as the day turned into night.

I felt the guys looking at me.

I looked over to my left at them.

"What's up?" I asked them.

"Uh, nothing," they all said in unison.

But what were they thinking?

Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin- 'she's so pretty.'

Jungkook- 'noona looks so happy.'

Jin- 'I wish she was my daughter.'

Taehyung- 'ok she does look nice but I don't wanna be a perve.'

I'm honestly concerned about Jin though.

- - -

It is now Tuesday and I'm waiting for Taehyung outside his bedroom door.

When he opened the door, he flinched when he saw me.

"AH! What?!" He asked me.

"You must walk at least 5 feet behind me. When we get to school, I will walk in first, you will walk in two minutes after me. Got it?" I told him.

He nodded and we walked outside.

The second I stepped out, I got a text message.

Hey sweetie, we're already out of town for the wedding! <3 ~

I hope your not upset... love you <3


As soon as I was done reading, the glass on my phone shattered.

Taehyung's POV

I was locking the door when I heard glass break.

I turned around and looked at Y/n. She had her eyes crossed.

"Y-Y/n... are you ok?" I asked, a little bit scared of her.

She slowly looked up at me and I saw a tear fall from her right eye.

She was crying.

"Oh my god are you ok?! What happened?!" I asked, kind of running up to her.

She showed me her phone and I read the message through the cracks.

"Why are you upset about this?" I asked her.

She sniffled.

"I can tell th-they're in a plane..." she said.

"And?" I asked her.

"It-It's gonna crash."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2019 ⏰

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