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Kylie's POV


As I heard my alarm rang,I quickly get up and went straight to the washroom. After some minutes of showering I headed my way to my changing room and change into my uniform.

After wearing my uniform, I get all of my stuffs and went downstairs. I saw mom preparing breakfast. I walk through her and kiss her cheeks.

"Good Morning Mom. Where's Xander oppa?" I asked her finding my brother.

"Good morning to my princess, He's probably still in his room preparing himself. Well Speaking of" She said while looking at him walking through us. He also kissed mom on the cheeks.

"Let's eat." Mom said as we all seat and start eating breakfast.

"So how's your first day of school?" Mom suddenly asked.

"It's good mom, All of them are so friendly that's why I already have friends in our room." I said smiling at her.

"Me too mom same as Kylie." Oppa said as he swallowed his food.

"Good for the both of you, Study hard and I'll give you guys presents." Mom said. "And also don't accept suitors Kylie, I don't want you to have a relationship with the others."

"Yes mom." Me said nodding at mom.


I was done eating my breakfast. I was on my way to our car when suddenly I saw two girls around my ages talking to each other. I think I saw them before.  Walked towards them and surprisingly saw Ellie and Nicka.

"Nicka! Ellie!" I shouted then both of them quickly look at me. They also approach me.

"Oh,Hi kylie do you live here?" Ellie asked.

"Yup, don't tell both of you also live here." I said looking at them as they both nod. "I'm glad that the three of us live at the same village." I smiled at them.

"Us too." They both said.

"Do you want to join us, we're planning to walk school since it's still early." Nicka said.

"Of course I will but I think my brother will also join us." I said their eyes quickly widened I just looked at them confused.

"Wait, you have a brother?Why didn't you tell us." Ellie said.

"Sorry didn't I said that." I said scratching the back of my head. "Wait here I'll call my brother." I said then left them.

"Oppa!" I shouted inside the house.

"Why?" He asked.

"Do you want to accompany us to go to school?" I asked him.

"No.Way." He said I pouted at him.

"But oppa,what if something bad happens to us. No one will save us. Please come to us Please~." I said trying to be cute.

"Aishh... Okay I'll come." I smiled at him as he turn his back and call our driver. " Hyung me and my sister will just walk all the way to school, Just said it to mommy." He said. "Okay now?" He said turning his gazed on me.

I nodded at him and both of us went out of the house I saw Ellie and Nick a talking to eachother.

"Ellie! Nicka!" I shouted they quickly look at me then my brother. Me and oppa went to them.

"Uhm.. Nicka, Ellie this is my brother Alexander but you can call him alex or xander. It's up to the both of you." I said introducing oppa to the both of them.

"Hi I'm Nicka." She said leaning her hands my brother took it and shake his hands.

"Hi I'm Ellie." She said leaning her hands and oppa quickly shake her hands.

"Hi miss beautiful." He said and wink at Ellie. I glared at him.

"What the hell?! What a flirt." I said crossing my arms with a glared at my eyes.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Aish... Nothing let's just go ahead." I said clinging to Nickas's right arm.

Me and Nicka talked about school and about ourselves so we both know eachother a little bit, meanwhile Ellie and Oppa are at the back having different conversations as ours. This is the first time I saw Xander oppa so flirty with a girl.

I look at the back to see them. I'm sure if I didn't know them, I'll know them as a couple. I just roll my eyes on my brother and continue walking.


"Aishh... Your brother is such a flirt." Ellie said while entering the room.

"Tss... But you like it don't you" Nicka said with a teasing look.

"N-no I d-dont." Ellie stutter her face is now red. I don't know if that's because of that butterfly thingy or because of embarrassment.

"Yieee,my twinie have a crush on my brother?!" I said teasing her.

"Yah! Stop it you two." She shouted as she hit us with her hands.

"Yah! What are you two doing to my princess?" Zihao suddenly appeared making the three of us jaw drop. Even Ellie was surprised on what Zihao said.

"My princess?" Nicka said with her hand on her mouth.

"Yeah she's my princess so don't try hurting her." He said putting his arms around Ellie's shoulder.

"What the hell?! Can you please stop calling me princess. I'm. Not. Your. Princess. Go. Away." Ellie said grabbing Zihao's arm on his shoulder. "Let's go girls." She said grabbing us through our desks.

I look behind and saw the boys mocking Zihao because Ellie just dumped him. I smirk at them and turn my gaze to Nicka and Ellie.

"What was that all about?" I asked looking at her.

"Uhm.. Sorry about Zihao. I don't know why he's being like this started when he confessed to me a few days ago." She said making us shocked.

"OMG! You have to tell us what happened." Nicka said excitedly.

"Well—" When she was about to say something ous teacher suddenly entered inside our room.

"Your gonna tell us later okay." Nicka whispered. Ellie just nod at her.

Our teacher was about to start teaching when suddenly the door open. I saw a boy entering the room and seat beside Zihao.

"Mister, aren't gonna say something?" Our teacher said all of us are looking at him. He lazily stand up.

"Sorry if I'm late." He said coldly.

"Aishh... Why is he late again." Nicka whispered.

"Why are you late?" Our teacher asked.

"I woke up late." He said.

"Liar."Nicka whispered again.

"Okay but next time please come early."  He just nod and take a seat.

"Wait do you know him?" I asked Nicka she then look at me.

"of course I know him he's my brother." She said making me gasped.

"He's your brother?!" I whiper trying not to be loud because our teacher will hear me.

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