Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

(Aliyah is quite the awkward turtle in here.)


         There was a girl sitting across from me now. She was a lot shorter than I was, Middle Eastern or Mexican looking, with tan skin and dark hair that cascaded around her shaped face. She had large, dark brown almost black eyes and cupid bow lips which were frowning as if she wasn't pleased with what the character in her book was doing and I'm pretty sure I heard her mutter to herself, "Ron you idiot!" as if she were talking to the character. So she was odd.

          But very pretty.

          Not that it mattered, she wouldn't like me anyway. Probably think I was a stupid Russian commie like that other kid. Then I realized that I hadn't said anything, so she didn't know I was Russian. Maybe if I said something...

          "I like your eyes!" I blurted out. I really did, they were dark brown like chocolate and I loved chocolate, but that wasn't the point. I had no idea why I said that, I was so stupid! But when I saw the confused look on her face, I realized I hadn't even spoken English. Maybe this random Russian wasn't so bad after all.

          "Sorry, I meant to introduce myself. Hi, my names Dimitri." I held out my hand which she held and when we shook hands, I couldn't help but notice that hers was small and soft.

         "I'm Aliyah." she said. Shoot, I liked her voice too. At this point there was nowhere to go but up, whatever that meant.

At that moment, the loudspeaker announced that we were to go to the auditorium for the first day assembly. What's an assembly?

"It's where they talk a lot about school or something." Aliyah answered me. I didn't realize I had said that aloud.

"Well... I guess i'll see you there then?" I said hopefully.

"Okay." she said with a shy smile.

She got up before me and when she walked through the door, I noticed her legs in her short skirt. They looked very nice, smooth to. I wondered what it'd be like to feel them...

Oh my god. This girl was turning me into a pervert. And I was NOT a pervert.

I walked through the door to the assembly when I got outside and heard some raucous laughter. It was the boys from earlier today, the ones who smelled like drugs. I decided to ignore them when I saw Aliyah surrounded by them. I got closer and noticed how small she looked. I was a foot taller than some of these boys and she was even smaller than them. But she looked frightened.

"Hey, ever been with a white boy?" that idiot named Kenton said. He was a moron. A possibly, soon-to-be-injured moron.

Aliyah screamed as they started to drag her behind the building to do who-knows-what to her. Okay, he was dead. I ran toward him and when his friends saw me coming, they scattered. As I sprinted towards them, incoherent ramblings coursed through my mind, they wouldn't have made any sense had they been expressed out loud. 

I caught up to Kenton easily, thanks to my longer leg-span. I tackled him to the ground and hooked my arm under his head. "If you do that again i'll kill you." I whispered in his ear, my blood was boiling at this point. I then released him and he sputtered and stumbled away. I then felt someone tap my shoulder and I spun around. There was Aliyah offering to help me up since I was sitting on the ground at this point. I took her hand and tried to pull myself up but forgot that I was probably almost a hundred pounds heavier than her, causing her to fall on top of me.

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