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You let out a loud cry as the kick to your stomach knocked you back a few feet, your grip tight on your weapon as you glared at your opponent, stood smirking at you nearby. This was most certainly not how your day had been supposed to go.

The Wu you and the other monks had been tasked with retrieving didn't even seem to be that important, and you were pretty sure Fung had just sent you all out here to get the arguing a reasonable distance away for a while. So why was Chase here?

In fact, you probably already knew the answer to that. He popped up every once in a while just to test the five of you; you supposed a 1500-year-old warlord needed something to entertain himself with on occasion. Unfortunately, since you had all split up to find this one (again you were going to blame the arguing), you had been cornered by the Heylin Dragon Lord alone. And now you were going to be developing a rather unsightly bruise on your [s/c] stomach to show for it.

"It's unlike you to be so unfocused, young monk." Chase crossed his arms as he watched you scowl at him from the ground, seeming uninterested in pressing his advantage. Actually, now that you thought about it, it was you who had initiated a confrontation to begin with. He had hit the nail on the head - you had been distracted and unfocused by your discomfort and hadn't noticed his presence at all. You had driven yourself straight into an attack out of frustration. Chase's gaze trailed over your form as you thought about this, and you caught the look of surprise that momentarily crossed his face. "You're male at the moment, aren't you?"

You flinched at his words, seeing as he had got it right again, and let out a small sigh as you looked down at your outfit. You had thought yourself so cute when you looked at yourself in the mirror that morning, pleased with your appearance. And then you had realised on Dojo's back coming after the Wu that it was a male day. And you had no change of clothes with you and no time to go back purely for the same of your getting dressed, so you hadn't bothered saying anything, leaving you feeling massively out of character.

You pulled a disquieted face at Chase as he watched you passively.

Your fellow monks had been confused but accepting when you came out to them, though they sometimes got your pronouns confused and Omi, in particular, tended to get tongue-tied. Jack Spicer had thought you had a twin for the first month or so until you had sat him down and actually explained it to him. The light bulb lit, he tried his best, he really did. In fact, of all the people you knew Chase seemed to have adapted the easiest, flowing between pronouns as smoothly as battle poses. You wished it were that easy for you; you often managed to get yourself somewhat tongue-tied.

And now he had picked up your change in gender when not even the monks, with whom you spent all your time, had noticed anything odd about the way you were acting.

"Come here." You were jerked out of your thoughts as Chase held a hand out to you, frowning at him uncertainly. You had your concerns - he was lord of double dealings and horrifying long-term plans that took way more planning and commitment than anything you could ever muster up. You hesitated, really not trusting him, and he sighed impatiently, stepping forward to grasp you by the wrist and haul you up, setting you down on your feet once you were upright. "You can come with me, or I'll leave you here, and you can hope you know your way back to the other monks."

You glared at him, frustrated, before tugging your wrist from his tight grip.

"Fine," you grumbled, "I still don't trust you though."

"Oh?" he raised a teasing eyebrow at that, seeming more amused by your words than anything, "that's the wisest thing you've said all day."

He grasped your hand tightly and pulled you close, and the next thing you knew you were in a corridor that you assumed was a part of his citadel. Chase released you and turned away, opening a nearby door and going inside but giving no indication as to what he wanted you to do. Instead, you wandered awkwardly over to the doorway to peek inside, spying a dusty old bedroom, Chase inside going through a chest of drawers.

???Chase Young X Genderfluid!Monk!Reader ~ SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now