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Annoyumous Friend: Hey, I'm just wondering which turtle has which color and why.

Leo: Well, my mask's color is blue.

Mikey: Orange! The best color there is!

Raph: Red.

Donnie: And I'm purple.

Me: I'm poping up in this question!

Leo: Like you usually do.

Me: *Sticks tounge out* You love me. Anyway, as the turtles grew in the comics, the creators gave them just random colors to show who is who. But plenty of fans give them reasons behind the colors.

Mikey: Like me and Max here like to think Raph's color stands for his rage.

Annoymous Friend Question #2: What weapon does each turtle have?

Leo: I have Twin Katanas.

Raph: My weapon for beating the bad guys' butt is my trusty sais.

Mikey: Nuchakus! Booyakasha!

Donnie: Mine is a bo, but I also use my inventons to help keep me ahead of my enemies.

Apirl: I have a tesson, it's like a fan but with razor sharp metal.

Casey: Does a hockey stick count?

Me: I would.

Casey: Hockey Stick it is then.

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