What, now Sam has an angel? Part 3

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"Hey, Ambriel, Castiel are you okay? What the hell are you guys doing?" Dean walked over and stood inbetween them. Castiel looked away from Ambriel and then looked at Dean. "Yeah, were fine. I was just curious about what she is about." Dean rolled his eyes and looked at Ambriel. "You cool too, sweet cheeks?" She smiled. "Yes I am fine. Thank you for the concern." 

"Yo, Sam did you get anything else about those murders?" Dean called to his brother over his shoulder. "Yes, I did. Two more girls have been murdered, both the same as the other three. Around sixteen, popular in school, type of girl that can get anything she wants without asking." Castiel looked over at Sam. "Still found the same way?"

"Yep, stomach slit and body completely drained of fluids." Ambriel shivered thinking about those poor girls getting brutally murdered in such a manner. "Did they show signs of suffering?" She spoke up. Sam looked at Ambriel and frowned. "They did, kept alive the enitre time those acts were being forced on them." 

"Cops still don't have a lead do they?" Dean laughed. "No they don't and I wouldn't expect them too. Who or what killed these girls leaves not one bit of DNA." Ambriel shook her head. "It has to be some sort of demon then. We should go down to the scene tomorrow just to check it all out." Dean, Sam, and Castiel nodded. "Sounds good, lets get some shut eye." Dean threw himself into a bed. 

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