Chapter 5

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Hey you guys!! Well I'm back with a new update! I'm sorry about the break I'll be taking in two days! I hope I can update!


I woke up and felt a pair a strong arms around me. The memories of last night came flooding back. I just laid there, my back against Matt's chest. I could hear his light snores, and I smiled to myself. Then I wriggled out of his arms.

I took a shower and remembered I forgot to get my clothes. I mentally cursed and walked out in a towel.

"I like waking up to seeing you in a towel" Matt smirked.

"shut up Espinosa I forgot my clothes" I said.

"haha, I'm messing with you" he chuckled.

I grabbed my white jeans and a muscle shirt that said 'Born A Unicorn' and my undergarments.

"nice underwear" Matt winked at me.

"nice abs" I winked back. I quickly ran back into the bathroom and changed and brushed my hair, leaving it to dry naturally.

I came back out and Matt was on his phone. "wanna go grab some breakfast?" he asked.

"sure" I said.

We walked to his car and surprisingly he opened the door for me. I met his eyes and he flashed me one of his rare smiles. We drove to this diner and I ordered a salad.

"why a salad, don't tell me you think you're fat?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"hah no. I'm a vegetarian" I laughed.

"oh haha sorry" he laughed too.

"wait! You think I'm fat!?!" I asked anxiously.

"what no! I mean! I didn't!" he ran a hand through his hair and I bursted into laughter. He looked at me quizzically.

"I was just kidding" I said between laughs he laughed too.

"I hate you" he glared playfully.

"no you don't" I stuck out my tongue.

We ate and when the bill came, i took out my card but he snatched it away, and put it somewhere i couldn't reach and pulled out his instead. Then he gave mine back. I rolled my eyes at him playfully. Then he dropped me back at my house. But he kissed me on the cheek before letting me out the car. As I entered my bedroom I found a fuming Cameron across my window.

"why we're you with him!?" he questioned. Coming in through the window into my room.

"Cam calm down, we just went and had breakfast" I said.

"after he called you a slut" he said.

"he said sorry and wanted to make it up to me" I stated simply.

"Ari, he's just gonna-" he began but I cut him off.

"we're just friends Cameron! He can't use me if I'm not interested" I interjected.

"whatever." he pouted crossing his arms over his chest. I just walked up to him, grabbed his arms, unfolded them and wrapped my arms around his waist. He did the same.

"I love you. I really wish you were my brother" I mumbled against his shoulder.

"I love you too Aurora. I don't want you getting hurt" he said back. I just squeezed him harder. If only he was there when my mom died.

"c'mon, let's play video games at your place" I suggested. He nodded and he jumped into his room, with me following behind. My dad is coming back tomorrow. I slept at cams.

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