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It was a peaceful Sunday, or well it was supposed to be. However your neighbor decided it was a good day to blast some music and let's just say it was anything but quiet. You were trying so hard to focus on your work and chores, it was the one of the first days this month you had the chance to relax. Yet your neighbor was ruining that for you, and boy did you want to tell him off. It was all too loud, and started to bother you more than you imagined it would.

However you weren't one to be spontaneous, yet this was worth a shot for some quietness for once in you chaotic life. You grabbed your jacket from the front entrance and put on your slides with your socks and headed over to his doorsteps. Standing with your shoulders high you rung your mystery neighbors doorbell.

What you didn't expect was to see a boy with a red solo cup in his hand. The boy (or debateably a young man) had bright red hair which stood out against his pale skin and blue eyes. He was also quite tall, not that you were staring or anything. "May I speak to the owner or this house, unless that is you then I have some words for you." You stated matter of factly to the unknown giant. The orange haired man laughed deeply and turned his back towards you facing the party deep in the living space. "Cody, a pretty girl is at the door wanting to talk to you!" he called out over the rest of the voices and loud music pounding. Another guy deep in the room snapped his over towards you and the unknown orange colored hair man. He made his way over to the both of you, he too was quite tall. Although not as tall as the other man, it was obvious he was quite tall. His dark brown eyes appeared glassy among his brown hair and pale skin. It was easy to get intimidated by him, but you firmly stood your ground. "You are being very noisy, but now I can see why." You said while starting to laugh a little. He just stared at you in shock, taking your whole presence in. "Yeah sorry about that, we all like to have a good time. Especially now that our playoffs are done." The now brown haired stranger said. You had to admit he was pretty cute, although his habits weren't the most enjoyable. His tall friend nudged him to the point where he almost fell over, it seemed as if that was in attempt to wake him up. "Oh yeah right, my name is Cody I don't believe I know you?" he said with moderate confusion this time. You held out your hand to shake his but your neighbor, well now your neighbor Cody pulled you in for a hug. To say you were shocked was the least, in reality you still couldn't help but blush at the gesture. When he finally released you from the hug, "Well my name is Y/N" you said to him. He realized it was just you two at the door now, "Since you came all this way, why don't you join us. I have seen you before on jogs in the morning, so I know you aren't a thief or paparazzi." He said while lightly giggling. Yet again you were slightly confused as to why someone would completely care about him. Maybe he was a model or something, since after all he was pretty attractive.

You accepted his offer, since he couldn't be a serial killer or anything considering he had lots of friends over. That was besides the fact you had nothing else better to do with the last bit of your weekend. Only for that brief moment did you feel under dressed, I mean it's not like you had any plans for the rest of the day or were planning to go anywhere.

When you fully entered Cody's house you were surprised by how chill it was, despite his sound system being all the way up the most productivity was between some of the boys on the game system. A few of the boys were yelling at the television, you had come to the conclusion that the they were a pretty competitive bunch. Cody lead you in and began to introduce you to all the boys in the room, slowly you began to meet all of them. He invited you to sit on the couch with him, and he broke out into conversation. It became apparent you that he loved to chat to anyone and everyone.

Slowly it became later and later, and it became time for you to head out. Although it didn't feel that way considering how much of a fun time you had. You were just about to head out following the rest of his friends back to your house, but Cody stopped you in your tracks. "Hey neighbor, you can stick around ya know." he said clearly showing off his true Canadian accent. You turned back to face him and smiled. It had certainly amazed you how all along he was your neighbor, but up until tonight you didn't realize how nice having neighbors can be. All along that usually silent home has one loud night, and boy were you glad you acted upon your instinct. However you replied "Same goes for you" as you nodded your head. Cody stepped forward and hugged you yet again for the second time that night, but this time you saw it coming and took his embrace full fronted. Obviously with that you inhaled, and you had to admit in you head he did smell quite nice. Releasing from the hug you walked over towards your shoes in the entryway and slid them on. Cody couldn't help but laugh a little, since you did end up going to his house in the winter without a jacket or proper shoes. "Don't be a stranger neighbor, come back soon." He said while he opened the door allowing you to escape his warm abode.

When you entered back into your house you headed into your kitchen to get some water. You pulled out your phone out of your pocket, and along with it came a slip of paper. "If you ever decide to go out again consider my house. -Cody" along with that he included his number so you could message him if you ever felt inclined to do so. To say you didn't spend several more Sundays with your neighbor would be an understatement, in fact you even spent several of the weekdays with him too.

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